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breseq version 0.33.1 revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log |
Predicted mutations | ||||||
evidence | position | mutation | freq | annotation | gene | description |
RA | 13,094 | A→T | 42.1% | D311V (GAT→GTT) | dnaK → | chaperone Hsp70, co‑chaperone with DnaJ |
RA | 17,199 | G→T | 48.1% | intergenic (+3/‑57) | nhaA → / → nhaR | sodium‑proton antiporter/DNA‑binding transcriptional activator |
RA | 21,090 | A→G | 55.2% | D341G (GAC→GGC) | ileS → | isoleucyl‑tRNA synthetase |
RA | 30,585 | T→C | 5.3% | A697A (GCT→GCC) | carB → | carbamoyl‑phosphate synthase large subunit |
RA | 40,322 | C→T | 5.7% | P81L (CCG→CTG) | fixA → | predicted electron transfer flavoprotein subunit, ETFP adenine nucleotide‑binding domain |
RA | 62,679 | A→G | 71.4% | F260F (TTT→TTC) | polB ← | DNA polymerase II |
RA | 93,390 | A→C | 5.2% | K124N (AAA→AAC) | secA → | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon |
RA | 93,391 | G→T | 5.2% | G125C (GGC→TGC) ‡ | secA → | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon |
RA | 93,392 | G→A | 5.2% | G125D (GGC→GAC) ‡ | secA → | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon |
RA | 93,401 | T→C | 5.2% | V128A (GTA→GCA) ‡ | secA → | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon |
RA | 93,402 | A→C | 5.2% | V128V (GTA→GTC) ‡ | secA → | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon |
RA | 93,403 | G→T | 5.2% | V129F (GTT→TTT) | secA → | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon |
RA | 120,663 | C→T | 63.8% | C181Y (TGC→TAC) | speE ← | spermidine synthase |
RA | 126,351 | G→A | 6.1% | E61K (GAA→AAA) | hpt → | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase |
RA | 136,259 | A→C | 7.9% | I27M (ATT→ATG) | yadK ← | predicted fimbrial‑like adhesin protein |
RA | 136,262 | G→T | 8.0% | A26A (GCC→GCA) | yadK ← | predicted fimbrial‑like adhesin protein |
RA | 145,530 | T→A | 60.4% | T233S (ACA→TCA) | sfsA ← | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 151,149 | C→T | 60.0% | S560S (AGC→AGT) | mrcB → | fused glycosyl transferase and transpeptidase |
RA | 204,556 | A→G | 100% | intergenic (+156/‑28) | alaV → / → rrlH | tRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA |
RA | 214,925 | A→C | 23.3% | D12A (GAT→GCT) | dnaQ → | DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit |
RA | 214,931 | A→C | 26.0% | E14A (GAA→GCA) | dnaQ → | DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit |
RA | 217,996 | A→T | 9.7% | intergenic (‑88/‑18) | yafU ← / → yafF | predicted inner membrane protein/conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 218,030 | A→G | 8.7% | Y6C (TAC→TGC) | yafF → | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 218,049 | C→T | 9.1% | N12N (AAC→AAT) | yafF → | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 218,106 | G→T | 16.7% | E31D (GAG→GAT) | yafF → | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 226,884 | T→A | 8.1% | M327K (ATG→AAG) | frsA → | hydrolase, binds to enzyme IIA(Glc) |
RA | 226,889 | G→C | 9.1% | D329H (GAT→CAT) | frsA → | hydrolase, binds to enzyme IIA(Glc) |
RA | 226,894 | T→A | 7.3% | A330A (GCT→GCA) | frsA → | hydrolase, binds to enzyme IIA(Glc) |
RA | 232,635 | T→C | 8.3% | N43D (AAC→GAC) | hemB ← | porphobilinogen synthase |
RA | 232,901 | C→T | 10.0% | intergenic (‑140/+30) | hemB ← / ← ykiB | porphobilinogen synthase/hypothetical protein |
RA | 234,698 | T→A | 9.1% | intergenic (+7/‑176) | yaiI → / → aroL | conserved hypothetical protein/shikimate kinase II |
RA | 234,700 | T→A | 10.2% | intergenic (+9/‑174) | yaiI → / → aroL | conserved hypothetical protein/shikimate kinase II |
RA | 234,703 | T→A | 10.7% | intergenic (+12/‑171) | yaiI → / → aroL | conserved hypothetical protein/shikimate kinase II |
RA | 234,705 | T→A | 10.7% | intergenic (+14/‑169) | yaiI → / → aroL | conserved hypothetical protein/shikimate kinase II |
RA | 288,729 | A→T | 5.6% | E458V (GAA→GTA) | lon → | DNA‑binding ATP‑dependent protease La |
RA | 291,204 | T→C | 50.0% | I274T (ATC→ACC) | ppiD → | peptidyl‑prolyl cis‑trans isomerase |
RA | 318,754 | C→T | 6.4% | *176* (TAG→TAA) | priC ← | primosomal replication protein N'' |
RA | 318,760 | G→C | 7.1% | T174T (ACC→ACG) | priC ← | primosomal replication protein N'' |
RA | 340,151 | T→A | 5.5% | A14A (GCT→GCA) | ybaS → | predicted glutaminase |
RA | 349,124 | C→T | 5.1% | A474A (GCC→GCT) | gcl → | glyoxylate carboligase |
RA | 350,336 | C→T | 11.4% | intergenic (+63/‑37) | hyi → / → glxR | hydroxypyruvate isomerase/tartronate semialdehyde reductase, NADH‑dependent |
RA | 359,417 | G→A | 13.5% | G216S (GGT→AGT) | sfmD → | predicted outer membrane export usher protein |
RA | 359,423 | T→A | 11.1% | W218R (TGG→AGG) | sfmD → | predicted outer membrane export usher protein |
RA | 359,429 | T→C | 10.0% | Y220H (TAT→CAT) | sfmD → | predicted outer membrane export usher protein |
RA | 377,105 | G→T | 6.3% | intergenic (‑19/‑92) | fepD ← / → ybdA | iron‑enterobactin transporter subunit/predicted transporter |
RA | 377,108 | A→T | 7.6% | intergenic (‑22/‑89) | fepD ← / → ybdA | iron‑enterobactin transporter subunit/predicted transporter |
RA | 377,111 | A→C | 12.8% | intergenic (‑25/‑86) | fepD ← / → ybdA | iron‑enterobactin transporter subunit/predicted transporter |
RA | 402,666 | G→C | 9.6% | P33A (CCT→GCT) | rlpA ← | minor lipoprotein |
RA | 406,585 | A→G | 46.7% | D8D (GAT→GAC) | ybeB ← | hypothetical protein |
RA | 418,094 | C→T | 9.9% | A55T (GCT→ACT) | miaB ← | isopentenyl‑adenosine A37 tRNA methylthiolase |
RA | 421,280 | G→A | 46.2% | A400V (GCA→GTA) | asnB ← | asparagine synthetase B |
RA | 450,341 | C→G | 5.4% | intergenic (‑4/+19) | kdpB ← / ← kdpA | potassium translocating ATPase, subunit B/potassium translocating ATPase, subunit A |
RA | 485,028 | T→G | 9.9% | G278G (GGT→GGG) | tolB → | periplasmic protein |
RA | 530,638 | T→C | 53.8% | E105E (GAA→GAG) | ybhP ← | predicted DNase |
RA | 552,454 | C→T | 7.5% | G357D (GGT→GAT) ‡ | ybiW ← | predicted pyruvate formate lyase |
RA | 552,455 | C→G | 7.5% | G357R (GGT→CGT) ‡ | ybiW ← | predicted pyruvate formate lyase |
RA | 552,456 | A→G | 7.4% | D356D (GAT→GAC) | ybiW ← | predicted pyruvate formate lyase |
RA | 608,194 | G→A | 9.2% | A687V (GCT→GTT) | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 608,197 | A→T | 5.7% | L686Q (CTG→CAG) | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 608,200 | T→C | 5.1% | N685S (AAC→AGC) | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 608,205 | C→T | 5.1% | K683K (AAG→AAA) | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 608,211 | A→T | 5.1% | V681V (GTT→GTA) | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 608,215 | T→G | 5.8% | E680A (GAA→GCA) ‡ | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 608,216 | C→G | 7.0% | E680Q (GAA→CAA) ‡ | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 608,217 | G→A | 6.0% | D679D (GAC→GAT) | pflB ← | pyruvate formate lyase I |
RA | 610,451 | G→A | 9.5% | P239S (CCG→TCG) | focA ← | formate transporter |
RA | 638,168 | T→A | 6.0% | D141E (GAT→GAA) | ycbB → | predicted carboxypeptidase |
RA | 688,340 | Δ1 bp | 7.8% | noncoding (72/88 nt) | serT ← | tRNA‑Ser |
RA | 688,346:1 | +T | 8.5% | noncoding (66/88 nt) | serT ← | tRNA‑Ser |
RA | 709,001 | A→G | 52.7% | Y102H (TAT→CAT) | yceI ← | hypothetical protein |
RA | 723,178 | T→C | 12.0% | T149A (ACC→GCC) | rne ← | fused ribonucleaseE endoribonuclease and scaffold for formation of degradosome |
RA | 724,481:1 | +C | 10.0% | coding (287/960 nt) | rluC → | 23S rRNA pseudouridylate synthase |
RA | 724,486 | Δ1 bp | 8.8% | coding (292/960 nt) | rluC → | 23S rRNA pseudouridylate synthase |
RA | 753,855 | T→C | 51.1% | N189S (AAC→AGC) | ycfT ← | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 757,001 | G→T | 8.8% | A143S (GCG→TCG) | lolE → | outer membrane‑specific lipoprotein transporter subunit |
RA | 775,532 | C→T | 6.5% | N385N (AAC→AAT) | icd → | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+ |
RA | 775,535 | G→C | 6.5% | A386A (GCG→GCC) | icd → | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+ |
RA | 775,538 | A→G | 6.9% | K387K (AAA→AAG) | icd → | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+ |
RA | 775,547 | C→T | 6.6% | T390T (ACC→ACT) | icd → | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+ |
RA | 775,559 | G→A | 10.5% | E394E (GAG→GAA) | icd → | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+ |
RA | 775,571 | T→A | 13.9% | D398E (GAT→GAA) | icd → | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+ |
RA | 775,580 | A→G | 12.2% | K401K (AAA→AAG) | icd → | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+ |
RA | 776,453 | A→T | 7.1% | intergenic (+825/+40) | icd → / ← minE | isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+/cell division topological specificity factor |
RA | 780,667 | T→C | 58.1% | D125D (GAT→GAC) | ycgM → | predicted isomerase/hydrolase |
RA | 792,959 | T→C | 6.5% | I443V (ATT→GTT) | cvrA ← | predicted cation/proton antiporter |
RA | 801,126 | A→G | 7.5% | M68T (ATG→ACG) | dhaH ← | fused predicted dihydroxyacetone‑specific PTS enzyme HPr component and EI component |
RA | 801,414 | A→G | 53.1% | S186S (AGT→AGC) | dhaL ← | dihydroxyacetone kinase, C‑terminal domain |
RA | 807,688 | C→A | 8.0% | G160V (GGC→GTC) | ycgV ← | predicted adhesin |
RA | 807,691 | T→G | 8.5% | D159A (GAC→GCC) | ycgV ← | predicted adhesin |
RA | 807,696 | G→A | 7.8% | N157N (AAC→AAT) | ycgV ← | predicted adhesin |
RA | 826,223 | G→T | 56.9% | G207V (GGT→GTT) | ychP → | predicted invasin |
RA | 834,983 | C→T | 7.3% | A1147A (GCC→GCT) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,139 | C→T | 9.1% | I1199I (ATC→ATT) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,145 | C→T | 9.2% | G1201G (GGC→GGT) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,148 | T→C | 8.7% | Y1202Y (TAT→TAC) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,151 | C→G | 8.8% | A1203A (GCC→GCG) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,154 | T→G | 8.6% | H1204Q (CAT→CAG) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,160 | A→C | 8.6% | A1206A (GCA→GCC) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,162 | A→G | 8.6% | Y1207C (TAC→TGC) ‡ | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,163 | C→G | 8.7% | Y1207* (TAC→TAG) ‡ | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,178 | T→C | 9.6% | Y1212Y (TAT→TAC) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,187 | A→C | 8.8% | V1215V (GTA→GTC) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 835,190 | T→A | 5.6% | G1216G (GGT→GGA) | narG → | nitrate reductase 1, alpha subunit |
RA | 863,791 | A→C | 12.3% | Y31S (TAT→TCT) ‡ | yciQ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 863,792 | T→A | 12.7% | Y31* (TAT→TAA) ‡ | yciQ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 863,793 | G→T | 14.0% | E32* (GAA→TAA) | yciQ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 865,062 | C→T | 22.7% | P455S (CCT→TCT) | yciQ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 868,851 | A→C | 7.1% | K189T (AAA→ACA) | sohB → | predicted inner membrane peptidase |
RA | 868,858 | T→G | 6.5% | V191V (GTT→GTG) | sohB → | predicted inner membrane peptidase |
RA | 916,161 | T→A | 6.2% | R237R (CGT→CGA) | ycjF → | conserved inner membrane protein |
RA | 916,170 | T→A | 11.7% | N240K (AAT→AAA) | ycjF → | conserved inner membrane protein |
RA | 922,265 | C→G | 6.3% | A112G (GCA→GGA) | ycjZ → | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 922,270 | C→T | 7.9% | R114C (CGC→TGC) | ycjZ → | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 922,273 | A→G | 7.9% | T115A (ACA→GCA) | ycjZ → | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 922,278 | C→G | 7.6% | F116L (TTC→TTG) | ycjZ → | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 939,572 | T→A | 7.2% | I401F (ATC→TTC) | sfcA ← | malate dehydrogenase, NAD‑requiring |
RA | 939,575 | T→G | 7.3% | I400L (ATC→CTC) | sfcA ← | malate dehydrogenase, NAD‑requiring |
RA | 939,576 | C→A | 7.6% | E399D (GAG→GAT) | sfcA ← | malate dehydrogenase, NAD‑requiring |
RA | 939,579 | T→A | 7.7% | E398D (GAA→GAT) | sfcA ← | malate dehydrogenase, NAD‑requiring |
RA | 963,892 | C→T | 13.5% | G185E (GGA→GAA) | yddA ← | fused predicted multidrug transporter subunits and membrane component and ATP‑binding component of ABC superfamily |
RA | 965,646 | C→T | 55.8% | G83D (GGC→GAC) | ydeM ← | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 965,844 | A→T | 8.5% | V17D (GTT→GAT) | ydeM ← | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 972,048 | G→A | 6.4% | P285P (CCG→CCA) | lsrC → | AI2 transporter |
RA | 980,208 | A→G | 11.1% | Y33H (TAT→CAT) | cspI ← | cold shock protein |
RA | 980,245 | G→A | 5.5% | F20F (TTC→TTT) | cspI ← | cold shock protein |
RA | 980,248 | A→G | 5.3% | G19G (GGT→GGC) | cspI ← | cold shock protein |
RA | 980,260 | T→A | 6.8% | E15D (GAA→GAT) | cspI ← | cold shock protein |
RA | 980,265 | G→C | 6.4% | P14A (CCT→GCT) | cspI ← | cold shock protein |
RA | 980,278 | C→T | 5.9% | V9V (GTG→GTA) | cspI ← | cold shock protein |
RA | 1,014,644 | T→A | 16.3% | K475N (AAA→AAT) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,646 | T→G | 16.3% | K475Q (AAA→CAA) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,650 | G→C | 15.2% | A473A (GCC→GCG) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,653 | A→G | 15.2% | D472D (GAT→GAC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,656 | C→G | 13.1% | T471T (ACG→ACC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,659 | C→A | 12.9% | V470V (GTG→GTT) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,668 | G→A | 13.7% | S467S (AGC→AGT) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,677 | G→A | 14.5% | G464G (GGC→GGT) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,698 | A→G | 8.2% | S457S (AGT→AGC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,701 | T→G | 5.6% | G456G (GGA→GGC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,707 | C→G | 5.4% | Q454H (CAG→CAC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,710 | C→G | 5.2% | A453A (GCG→GCC) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,712 | C→A | 5.2% | A453S (GCG→TCG) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,719 | T→C | 5.5% | Q450Q (CAA→CAG) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,720 | T→A | 5.5% | Q450L (CAA→CTA) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,725 | G→C | 6.2% | V448V (GTC→GTG) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,812 | A→G | 6.1% | I419I (ATT→ATC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,014,818 | A→G | 7.4% | H417H (CAT→CAC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,010 | C→G | 5.5% | A353A (GCG→GCC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,013 | T→C | 5.7% | K352K (AAA→AAG) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,015 | T→G | 5.7% | K352Q (AAA→CAA) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,076 | C→T | 5.7% | Q331Q (CAG→CAA) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,078 | G→C | 5.6% | Q331E (CAG→GAG) ‡ | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,079 | A→G | 5.7% | R330R (CGT→CGC) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,088 | C→T | 6.8% | K327K (AAG→AAA) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,015,097 | G→A | 5.8% | I324I (ATC→ATT) | fumA ← | aerobic Class I fumarate hydratase |
RA | 1,019,797 | T→C | 57.1% | Y249C (TAT→TGT) | uidC ← | predicted outer membrane porin protein |
RA | 1,036,505 | G→A | 100% | A632A (GCG→GCA) | rsxC → | fused predicted 4Fe‑4S ferredoxin‑type protein |
RA | 1,038,735 | G→C | 59.8% | V73L (GTG→CTG) | rsxE → | predicted inner membrane NADH‑quinone reductase |
RA | 1,044,955 | A→G | 13.4% | intergenic (‑42/+87) | tyrS ← / ← pdxH | tyrosyl‑tRNA synthetase/pyridoxine 5'‑phosphate oxidase |
RA | 1,063,788 | T→A | 8.2% | intergenic (+138/+24) | sodB → / ← ydhP | superoxide dismutase, Fe/predicted transporter |
RA | 1,091,167 | T→C | 52.1% | E178E (GAA→GAG) | sufB ← | component of SufBCD complex |
RA | 1,093,658 | T→C | 52.7% | T907A (ACA→GCA) | ydiJ ← | predicted FAD‑linked oxidoreductase |
RA | 1,136,280 | C→A | 5.4% | A265E (GCA→GAA) | yniA → | predicted phosphotransferase/kinase |
RA | 1,138,595 | G→C | 7.5% | intergenic (+103/‑30) | ydjM → / → ydjN | predicted inner membrane protein regulated by LexA/predicted transporter |
RA | 1,153,878 | G→A | 45.6% | T246I (ACA→ATA) | astE ← | succinylglutamate desuccinylase |
RA | 1,187,540 | G→A | 34.9% | G10R (GGG→AGG) | yeaI → | predicted diguanylate cyclase |
RA | 1,200,936 | T→C | 10.1% | V30A (GTC→GCC) | sdaA → | L‑serine deaminase I |
RA | 1,201,033 | C→T | 6.3% | T62T (ACC→ACT) | sdaA → | L‑serine deaminase I |
RA | 1,201,054 | T→C | 5.3% | G69G (GGT→GGC) | sdaA → | L‑serine deaminase I |
RA | 1,202,022 | G→A | 17.5% | C392Y (TGC→TAC) | sdaA → | L‑serine deaminase I |
RA | 1,209,599 | T→A | 11.1% | intergenic (+424/‑5) | yobD → / → yebN | conserved inner membrane protein/conserved inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,209,604 | A→C | 11.1% | M1M (ATG→CTG) † | yebN → | conserved inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,212,849 | C→G | 6.6% | F3L (TTC→TTG) | yobH → | hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,212,852 | C→G | 5.5% | I4M (ATC→ATG) | yobH → | hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,212,854 | T→A | 5.5% | I5N (ATT→AAT) | yobH → | hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,216,702 | T→C | 47.5% | Q677Q (CAA→CAG) | prc ← | carboxy‑terminal protease for penicillin‑binding protein 3 |
RA | 1,217,271 | G→C | 7.4% | R488G (CGT→GGT) | prc ← | carboxy‑terminal protease for penicillin‑binding protein 3 |
RA | 1,217,277 | A→T | 7.0% | L486M (TTG→ATG) | prc ← | carboxy‑terminal protease for penicillin‑binding protein 3 |
RA | 1,217,283 | G→C | 6.8% | R484G (CGT→GGT) | prc ← | carboxy‑terminal protease for penicillin‑binding protein 3 |
RA | 1,225,925 | T→C | 14.8% | L77P (CTT→CCT) | yebV → | hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,232,353 | T→G | 9.1% | T135P (ACG→CCG) | ptrB ← | protease II |
RA | 1,232,357 | C→G | 9.8% | A133A (GCG→GCC) | ptrB ← | protease II |
RA | 1,232,360 | C→G | 9.7% | M132I (ATG→ATC) | ptrB ← | protease II |
RA | 1,232,364 | C→A | 10.2% | G131V (GGA→GTA) | ptrB ← | protease II |
RA | 1,237,336 | C→A | 6.9% | R395R (CGG→CGT) | edd ← | 6‑phosphogluconate dehydratase |
RA | 1,241,827 | T→C | 5.9% | L88P (CTC→CCC) | pykA → | pyruvate kinase II |
RA | 1,246,787 | C→T | 59.1% | G70G (GGC→GGT) | znuC → | zinc transporter subunit |
RA | 1,259,349 | A→C | 6.9% | I525M (ATT→ATG) ‡ | torZ ← | trimethylamine N‑oxide reductase system III, catalytic subunit |
RA | 1,259,351 | T→G | 6.3% | I525L (ATT→CTT) ‡ | torZ ← | trimethylamine N‑oxide reductase system III, catalytic subunit |
RA | 1,266,778 | C→T | 9.4% | G210D (GGT→GAT) | yecA ← | conserved metal‑binding protein |
RA | 1,292,502 | G→A | 7.3% | T219M (ACG→ATG) | yeeO ← | predicted multidrug efflux system |
RA | 1,302,608 | T→C | 57.1% | K158R (AAG→AGG) | dacD ← | D‑alanyl‑D‑alanine carboxypeptidase |
RA | 1,321,783 | G→A | 12.3% | intergenic (‑237/+257) | gnd ← / ← galF | gluconate‑6‑phosphate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating/predicted subunit with GalU |
RA | 1,362,418 | A→G | 5.9% | intergenic (‑39/‑93) | mrp ← / → metG | antiporter inner membrane protein/methionyl‑tRNA synthetase |
RA | 1,390,615 | A→G | 7.6% | Q249Q (CAA→CAG) | nfo → | endonuclease IV with intrinsic 3'‑5' exonuclease activity |
RA | 1,417,054 | A→G | 14.1% | Y416C (TAT→TGT) | yejM → | predicted hydrolase, inner membrane |
RA | 1,427,154 | C→T | 66.3% | R220H (CGC→CAC) | napG ← | ferredoxin‑type protein essential for electron transfer from ubiquinol to periplasmic nitrate reductase (NapAB) |
RA | 1,434,773 | T→C | 48.7% | A465A (GCA→GCG) | yojI ← | fused predicted multidrug transport subunits and membrane component and ATP‑binding component of ABC superfamily |
RA | 1,435,102 | C→T | 16.7% | G356S (GGC→AGC) | yojI ← | fused predicted multidrug transport subunits and membrane component and ATP‑binding component of ABC superfamily |
RA | 1,464,340 | T→A | 10.9% | intergenic (‑144/+5) | yfaA ← / ← gyrA | hypothetical protein/DNA gyrase (type II topoisomerase), subunit A |
RA | 1,464,342 | A→T | 10.5% | intergenic (‑146/+3) | yfaA ← / ← gyrA | hypothetical protein/DNA gyrase (type II topoisomerase), subunit A |
RA | 1,468,889 | C→T | 6.5% | E945K (GAA→AAA) | yfaL ← | adhesin |
RA | 1,484,894 | T→C | 8.9% | M316V (ATG→GTG) | menF ← | isochorismate synthase 2 |
RA | 1,522,743 | T→C | 63.4% | I121V (ATC→GTC) | pdxB ← | erythronate‑4‑phosphate dehydrogenase |
RA | 1,557,166 | T→G | 12.3% | intergenic (+1016/+247) | dsdA → / ← emrY | D‑serine ammonia‑lyase/predicted multidrug efflux system |
RA | 1,558,459 | C→G | 11.1% | L167F (TTG→TTC) | emrK ← | EmrKY‑TolC multidrug resistance efflux pump, membrane fusion protein component |
RA | 1,559,532 | T→A | 8.3% | V53D (GTC→GAC) | evgA → | DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with EvgS |
RA | 1,570,272 | C→T | 5.8% | S204S (AGC→AGT) | nupC → | nucleoside (except guanosine) transporter |
RA | 1,581,079 | C→T | 7.0% | G47S (GGT→AGT) | ypeB ← | hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,585,147 | T→A | 11.2% | N209K (AAT→AAA) | cysZ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,585,148 | A→C | 11.2% | M210L (ATG→CTG) | cysZ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,585,153 | G→T | 9.5% | Q211H (CAG→CAT) | cysZ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,585,154 | T→A | 10.0% | F212I (TTT→ATT) | cysZ → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,598,761 | C→T | 5.1% | intergenic (‑94/‑70) | yfeT ← / → yfeU | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator/predicted PTS component |
RA | 1,614,492 | T→C | 13.1% | intergenic (‑117/+100) | eutH ← / ← eutG | predicted inner membrane protein/predicted alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanolamine utilization |
RA | 1,618,811 | C→T | 13.9% | V321V (GTG→GTA) | eutI ← | predicted phosphotransacetylase subunit |
RA | 1,635,547 | T→C | 6.8% | F562S (TTC→TCC) | acrD → | aminoglycoside/multidrug efflux system |
RA | 1,666,801 | T→A | 12.3% | intergenic (‑45/‑117) | guaB ← / → xseA | IMP dehydrogenase/exonuclease VII, large subunit |
RA | 1,685,303 | T→C | 18.2% | Y42H (TAT→CAT) | sseA → | 3‑mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase |
RA | 1,695,639 | T→C | 46.4% | E124G (GAG→GGG) | yfhQ ← | predicted methyltransferase |
RA | 1,735,602 | T→C | 43.5% | E157E (GAA→GAG) | era ← | membrane‑associated, 16S rRNA‑binding GTPase |
RA | 1,738,791 | G→A | 59.6% | C340C (TGC→TGT) | lepA ← | GTP binding membrane protein |
RA | 1,739,943 | T→C | 46.4% | intergenic (‑133/+65) | lepA ← / ← rseC | GTP binding membrane protein/RseC protein involved in reduction of the SoxR iron‑sulfur cluster |
RA | 1,744,552 | G→A | 65.9% | V483I (GTC→ATC) | nadB → | quinolinate synthase, L‑aspartate oxidase (B protein) subunit |
RA | 1,751,256 | G→A | 52.8% | intergenic (‑42/‑165) | yfiF ← / → trxC | predicted methyltransferase/thioredoxin 2 |
RA | 1,763,556 | T→C | 61.2% | noncoding (288/1542 nt) | rrsG ← | 16S ribosomal RNA |
RA | 1,763,636 | A→G | 10.0% | noncoding (208/1542 nt) | rrsG ← | 16S ribosomal RNA |
RA | 1,804,090 | G→A | 27.1% | G52G (GGG→GGA) | mprA → | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 1,807,994 | C→T | 9.1% | intergenic (‑96/+54) | luxS ← / ← gshA | S‑ribosylhomocysteinase/gamma‑glutamate‑cysteine ligase |
RA | 1,813,392 | G→A | 49.1% | R595R (CGC→CGT) | alaS ← | alanyl‑tRNA synthetase |
RA | 1,824,288 | G→A | 54.5% | D452D (GAC→GAT) | hypF ← | carbamoyl phosphate phosphatase and maturation protein for [NiFe] hydrogenases |
RA | 1,849,874 | A→G | 6.1% | G219G (GGT→GGC) | ygcI ← | hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,852,438 | C→T | 11.2% | A395T (GCG→ACG) | ygcL ← | hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,869,837 | T→C | 16.6% | intergenic (‑82/‑237) | ygcW ← / → yqcE | predicted deoxygluconate dehydrogenase/predicted transporter |
RA | 1,869,838 | G→A | 14.9% | intergenic (‑83/‑236) | ygcW ← / → yqcE | predicted deoxygluconate dehydrogenase/predicted transporter |
RA | 1,869,841 | A→T | 14.6% | intergenic (‑86/‑233) | ygcW ← / → yqcE | predicted deoxygluconate dehydrogenase/predicted transporter |
RA | 1,869,844 | T→C | 14.0% | intergenic (‑89/‑230) | ygcW ← / → yqcE | predicted deoxygluconate dehydrogenase/predicted transporter |
RA | 1,869,845 | G→A | 14.9% | intergenic (‑90/‑229) | ygcW ← / → yqcE | predicted deoxygluconate dehydrogenase/predicted transporter |
RA | 1,878,756 | G→A | 12.9% | G131G (GGC→GGT) | pyrG ← | CTP synthetase |
RA | 1,892,019:1 | +GC | 100% | intergenic (‑437/+54) | gudP ← / ← ygdL | predicted D‑glucarate transporter/conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,927,871 | T→C | 13.9% | K450R (AAA→AGA) | araE ← | arabinose transporter |
RA | 1,930,802 | G→A | 9.1% | T120T (ACC→ACT) | kduI ← | predicted 5‑keto 4‑deoxyuronate isomerase |
RA | 1,930,807 | C→T | 9.2% | D119N (GAT→AAT) | kduI ← | predicted 5‑keto 4‑deoxyuronate isomerase |
RA | 1,930,808 | A→G | 9.8% | I118I (ATT→ATC) | kduI ← | predicted 5‑keto 4‑deoxyuronate isomerase |
RA | 1,933,105 | C→A | 5.5% | A446A (GCG→GCT) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,108 | G→A | 5.7% | A445A (GCC→GCT) ‡ | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,109 | G→T | 5.6% | A445D (GCC→GAC) ‡ | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,110 | C→T | 5.6% | A445T (GCC→ACC) ‡ | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,117 | A→T | 5.8% | D442E (GAT→GAA) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,121 | A→T | 6.3% | L441Q (CTG→CAG) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,126 | G→A | 6.2% | R439R (CGC→CGT) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,228 | G→A | 10.3% | D405D (GAC→GAT) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,231 | G→A | 10.3% | N404N (AAC→AAT) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,237 | A→G | 12.0% | R402R (CGT→CGC) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,933,240 | C→T | 12.5% | A401A (GCG→GCA) | lysS ← | lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive |
RA | 1,970,934 | C→T | 8.0% | E658K (GAG→AAG) | speA ← | biosynthetic arginine decarboxylase, PLP‑binding |
RA | 1,970,940 | C→G | 9.8% | E656Q (GAA→CAA) | speA ← | biosynthetic arginine decarboxylase, PLP‑binding |
RA | 1,976,997 | G→A | 6.7% | L83L (TTG→TTA) | sprT → | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,992,526 | C→G | 6.0% | intergenic (+20/‑182) | mltC → / → nupG | membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase C/nucleoside transporter |
RA | 1,992,527 | G→C | 5.9% | intergenic (+21/‑181) | mltC → / → nupG | membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase C/nucleoside transporter |
RA | 1,992,530 | G→C | 5.9% | intergenic (+24/‑178) | mltC → / → nupG | membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase C/nucleoside transporter |
RA | 1,992,531 | C→G | 5.9% | intergenic (+25/‑177) | mltC → / → nupG | membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase C/nucleoside transporter |
RA | 2,012,045 | T→C | 56.3% | M63V (ATG→GTG) | yqhA ← | conserved inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,042,434 | G→A | 7.3% | intergenic (+25/+18) | yqiI → / ← glgS | conserved hypothetical protein/predicted glycogen synthesis protein |
RA | 2,042,842 | T→A | 13.3% | intergenic (‑190/‑79) | glgS ← / → yqiJ | predicted glycogen synthesis protein/predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,042,845 | T→A | 13.3% | intergenic (‑193/‑76) | glgS ← / → yqiJ | predicted glycogen synthesis protein/predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,042,854 | A→G | 11.3% | intergenic (‑202/‑67) | glgS ← / → yqiJ | predicted glycogen synthesis protein/predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,044,054 | T→C | 11.3% | F160L (TTT→CTT) | yqiK → | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,081,573 | C→T | 13.3% | A423V (GCA→GTA) | exuT → | hexuronate transporter |
RA | 2,088,438 | A→T | 7.2% | Y109F (TAC→TTC) | yhaI → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,088,442 | A→T | 7.0% | G110G (GGA→GGT) | yhaI → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,093,175 | G→A | 13.7% | intergenic (‑26/+312) | yhaO ← / ← tdcG | predicted transporter/L‑serine dehydratase 3 |
RA | 2,136,848 | C→T | 5.1% | intergenic (‑71/+78) | rpsO ← / ← truB | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S15/tRNA pseudouridine synthase |
RA | 2,136,852 | G→T | 5.2% | intergenic (‑75/+74) | rpsO ← / ← truB | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S15/tRNA pseudouridine synthase |
RA | 2,136,857 | A→T | 5.1% | intergenic (‑80/+69) | rpsO ← / ← truB | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S15/tRNA pseudouridine synthase |
RA | 2,184,926 | A→G | 11.1% | E212E (GAA→GAG) | gltD → | glutamate synthase, 4Fe‑4S protein, small subunit |
RA | 2,184,929 | C→T | 9.4% | F213F (TTC→TTT) | gltD → | glutamate synthase, 4Fe‑4S protein, small subunit |
RA | 2,184,930 | A→G | 9.4% | K214E (AAA→GAA) | gltD → | glutamate synthase, 4Fe‑4S protein, small subunit |
RA | 2,184,933 | C→T | 9.1% | L215F (CTC→TTC) | gltD → | glutamate synthase, 4Fe‑4S protein, small subunit |
RA | 2,197,407 | C→T | 8.4% | intergenic (+15/‑75) | degQ → / → degS | serine endoprotease, periplasmic/serine endoprotease, periplasmic |
RA | 2,199,727 | T→A | 6.4% | intergenic (‑177/‑258) | mdh ← / → argR | malate dehydrogenase, NAD(P)‑binding/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator, L‑arginine‑binding |
RA | 2,207,332 | A→G | 56.5% | intergenic (‑22/+408) | tldD ← / ← yhdP | predicted peptidase/conserved membrane protein, predicted transporter |
RA | 2,216,701 | T→C | 19.3% | K638K (AAA→AAG) | yhdA ← | conserved inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,222,933 | G→A | 23.9% | V15V (GTG→GTA) | panF → | pantothenate:sodium symporter |
RA | 2,249,096 | C→G | 5.4% | P96A (CCC→GCC) ‡ | thiF → | thiamin (thiazole moiety) biosynthesis protein |
RA | 2,249,097 | C→T | 5.4% | P96L (CCC→CTC) ‡ | thiF → | thiamin (thiazole moiety) biosynthesis protein |
RA | 2,249,100 | A→G | 5.1% | D97G (GAC→GGC) | thiF → | thiamin (thiazole moiety) biosynthesis protein |
RA | 2,256,638 | C→G | 5.5% | D134H (GAT→CAT) | rpoC ← | RNA polymerase, beta prime subunit |
RA | 2,256,639 | G→C | 5.5% | R133R (CGC→CGG) | rpoC ← | RNA polymerase, beta prime subunit |
RA | 2,256,643 | A→T | 5.3% | L132Q (CTG→CAG) | rpoC ← | RNA polymerase, beta prime subunit |
RA | 2,281,121 | A→G | 65.0% | F67S (TTT→TCT) | fabR ← | DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor |
RA | 2,359,867 | G→A | 37.6% | noncoding (1228/2905 nt) | rrlA ← | 23S ribosomal RNA |
RA | 2,359,876 | C→T | 30.1% | noncoding (1219/2905 nt) | rrlA ← | 23S ribosomal RNA |
RA | 2,365,579 | T→C | 9.2% | K181K (AAA→AAG) | yigZ ← | predicted elongation factor |
RA | 2,367,537 | C→T | 42.1% | intergenic (‑85/‑105) | pepQ ← / → fadB | proline dipeptidase/fused 3‑hydroxybutyryl‑CoA epimerase/delta(3)‑cis‑delta(2)‑trans‑enoyl‑CoA isomerase/enoyl‑CoA hydratase and 3‑hydroxyacyl‑CoA dehydrogenase |
RA | 2,385,450 | C→T | 8.5% | L37L (CTG→CTA) | metE ← | 5‑methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate‑ homocysteine S‑methyltransferase |
RA | 2,411,718 | T→C | 10.7% | L330L (TTG→CTG) | hemY → | predicted protoheme IX synthesis protein |
RA | 2,417,837 | A→C | 7.4% | intergenic (‑111/+80) | yifK ← / ← rffM | predicted transporter/UDP‑N‑acetyl‑D‑mannosaminuronic acid transferase |
RA | 2,417,841 | A→T | 7.4% | intergenic (‑115/+76) | yifK ← / ← rffM | predicted transporter/UDP‑N‑acetyl‑D‑mannosaminuronic acid transferase |
RA | 2,429,321 | T→C | 39.2% | M88V (ATG→GTG) | wzzE ← | Entobacterial Common Antigen (ECA) polysaccharide chain length modulation protein |
RA | 2,460,535 | C→A | 11.0% | intergenic (+153/‑226) | mioC → / → gidA | FMN‑binding protein MioC/glucose‑inhibited cell‑division protein |
RA | 2,460,538 | A→T | 11.1% | intergenic (+156/‑223) | mioC → / → gidA | FMN‑binding protein MioC/glucose‑inhibited cell‑division protein |
RA | 2,460,541 | T→G | 10.0% | intergenic (+159/‑220) | mioC → / → gidA | FMN‑binding protein MioC/glucose‑inhibited cell‑division protein |
RA | 2,463,313 | G→A | 50.0% | V200V (GTG→GTA) | gidB → | methyltransferase, glucose‑inhibited cell‑division protein |
RA | 2,512,108 | C→T | 39.7% | C141Y (TGC→TAC) | yicE ← | predicted transporter |
RA | 2,523,621 | C→T | 71.0% | G32S (GGT→AGT) | dinD ← | DNA‑damage‑inducible protein |
RA | 2,523,766 | T→A | 8.5% | intergenic (‑52/+169) | dinD ← / ← yicC | DNA‑damage‑inducible protein/conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,523,769 | T→A | 9.1% | intergenic (‑55/+166) | dinD ← / ← yicC | DNA‑damage‑inducible protein/conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,526,945 | C→T | 62.7% | E13K (GAG→AAG) | ttk ← | division inhibitor |
RA | 2,537,451 | C→A | 7.9% | F48L (TTC→TTA) | rfaB → | UDP‑D‑galactose:(glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide‑1, 6‑D‑galactosyltransferase |
RA | 2,537,459 | G→A | 9.4% | R51H (CGT→CAT) | rfaB → | UDP‑D‑galactose:(glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide‑1, 6‑D‑galactosyltransferase |
RA | 2,537,461 | A→T | 9.8% | N52Y (AAT→TAT) ‡ | rfaB → | UDP‑D‑galactose:(glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide‑1, 6‑D‑galactosyltransferase |
RA | 2,537,463 | T→C | 9.8% | N52N (AAT→AAC) ‡ | rfaB → | UDP‑D‑galactose:(glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide‑1, 6‑D‑galactosyltransferase |
RA | 2,543,241 | T→A | 6.1% | intergenic (+5/+27) | rfaK → / ← rfaL | lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis/O‑antigen ligase |
RA | 2,546,001 | C→T | 51.6% | M182I (ATG→ATA) | rfaF ← | ADP‑heptose:LPS heptosyltransferase II |
RA | 2,547,976 | T→C | 10.2% | V62A (GTT→GCT) | htrL → | hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,550,360 | A→G | 52.9% | K77K (AAA→AAG) | tdh → | threonine 3‑dehydrogenase, NAD(P)‑binding |
RA | 2,551,927 | A→C | 8.3% | K178N (AAA→AAC) | yibD → | predicted glycosyl transferase |
RA | 2,557,807 | A→C | 6.3% | D154A (GAT→GCT) ‡ | secB → | protein export chaperone |
RA | 2,557,808 | T→A | 5.9% | D154E (GAT→GAA) ‡ | secB → | protein export chaperone |
RA | 2,557,809 | G→T | 5.9% | A155S (GCC→TCC) | secB → | protein export chaperone |
RA | 2,571,178 | G→C | 5.3% | R361R (CGG→CGC) | yibH → | hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,572,487 | A→G | 13.3% | intergenic (+1255/‑524) | yibH → / → ysaB | hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,572,989 | T→C | 7.5% | intergenic (+1757/‑22) | yibH → / → ysaB | hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,581,799 | T→G | 5.2% | intergenic (+289/‑81) | gadA → / → gadX | glutamate decarboxylase A, PLP‑dependent/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 2,581,803 | T→G | 5.3% | intergenic (+293/‑77) | gadA → / → gadX | glutamate decarboxylase A, PLP‑dependent/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 2,585,230 | G→A | 7.8% | L683L (CTG→TTG) | mdtF ← | multidrug transporter, RpoS‑dependent |
RA | 2,586,171 | G→A | 5.1% | T369M (ACG→ATG) | mdtF ← | multidrug transporter, RpoS‑dependent |
RA | 2,586,174 | G→C | 5.4% | P368R (CCG→CGG) | mdtF ← | multidrug transporter, RpoS‑dependent |
RA | 2,589,325 | A→G | 5.5% | intergenic (‑1/+798) | gadE ← / ← hdeD | DNA‑binding transcriptional activator/acid‑resistance membrane protein |
RA | 2,590,087 | A→T | 14.6% | intergenic (‑763/+36) | gadE ← / ← hdeD | DNA‑binding transcriptional activator/acid‑resistance membrane protein |
RA | 2,590,089 | C→G | 15.3% | intergenic (‑765/+34) | gadE ← / ← hdeD | DNA‑binding transcriptional activator/acid‑resistance membrane protein |
RA | 2,590,091 | A→T | 15.3% | intergenic (‑767/+32) | gadE ← / ← hdeD | DNA‑binding transcriptional activator/acid‑resistance membrane protein |
RA | 2,597,519 | T→A | 9.2% | intergenic (‑515/+362) | arsR ← / ← gor | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator/glutathione oxidoreductase |
RA | 2,597,522 | T→A | 10.0% | intergenic (‑518/+359) | arsR ← / ← gor | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator/glutathione oxidoreductase |
RA | 2,597,527 | T→A | 10.5% | intergenic (‑523/+354) | arsR ← / ← gor | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator/glutathione oxidoreductase |
RA | 2,605,853 | T→C | 46.1% | V14V (GTT→GTC) | yhiO → | predicted universal stress (ethanol tolerance) protein B |
RA | 2,613,354 | C→T | 9.2% | E57K (GAA→AAA) | nikA ← | nickel transporter subunit |
RA | 2,613,357 | A→G | 9.7% | Y56H (TAT→CAT) | nikA ← | nickel transporter subunit |
RA | 2,625,149 | G→A | 35.2% | R16H (CGT→CAT) | ftsX → | predicted transporter subunit |
RA | 2,639,772 | T→G | 9.2% | C233G (TGT→GGT) | ugpQ → | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase, cytosolic |
RA | 2,639,777 | C→A | 9.0% | T234T (ACC→ACA) | ugpQ → | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase, cytosolic |
RA | 2,687,465 | C→T | 13.6% | G272S (GGC→AGC) | pck ← | phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase |
RA | 2,708,236 | A→G | 8.1% | E260G (GAA→GGA) | trpS → | tryptophanyl‑tRNA synthetase |
RA | 2,714,239 | C→A | 48.9% | R41L (CGC→CTC) | nirB ← | nitrite reductase, large subunit, NAD(P)H‑binding |
RA | 2,727,940 | T→C | 60.5% | F59F (TTT→TTC) | kefB → | potassium:proton antiporter |
RA | 2,736,671 | T→C | 57.5% | F605F (TTT→TTC) | fusA → | protein chain elongation factor EF‑G |
RA | 2,745,289 | C→G | 8.9% | T50S (ACT→AGT) | rpsN → | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S14 |
RA | 2,745,295 | C→A | 8.8% | P52Q (CCG→CAG) | rpsN → | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S14 |
RA | 2,797,173 | C→G | 10.1% | G186G (GGC→GGG) | dinF → | DNA‑damage‑inducible SOS response protein |
RA | 2,811,028 | G→A | 54.9% | A573V (GCA→GTA) | uvrA ← | ATPase and DNA damage recognition protein of nucleotide excision repair excinuclease UvrABC |
RA | 2,823,561 | A→C | 60.6% | intergenic (+306/+652) | nrfG → / ← pheU | heme lyase (NrfEFG) for insertion of heme into c552, subunit NrfG/tRNA‑Phe |
RA | 2,823,628 | G→A | 6.6% | intergenic (+373/+585) | nrfG → / ← pheU | heme lyase (NrfEFG) for insertion of heme into c552, subunit NrfG/tRNA‑Phe |
RA | 2,823,871 | A→G | 9.2% | intergenic (+616/+342) | nrfG → / ← pheU | heme lyase (NrfEFG) for insertion of heme into c552, subunit NrfG/tRNA‑Phe |
RA | 2,829,664 | T→C | 47.7% | N109S (AAC→AGC) | aspA ← | aspartate ammonia‑lyase |
RA | 2,852,255 | G→A | 8.9% | T306I (ACC→ATC) | rsgA ← | ribosome small subunit‑dependent GTPase A |
RA | 2,852,261 | T→C | 9.4% | H304R (CAC→CGC) | rsgA ← | ribosome small subunit‑dependent GTPase A |
RA | 2,852,263 | T→A | 9.4% | K303N (AAA→AAT) | rsgA ← | ribosome small subunit‑dependent GTPase A |
RA | 2,852,270 | T→A | 9.2% | D301V (GAT→GTT) | rsgA ← | ribosome small subunit‑dependent GTPase A |
RA | 2,852,272 | G→A | 8.9% | R300R (CGC→CGT) | rsgA ← | ribosome small subunit‑dependent GTPase A |
RA | 2,887,887 | T→A | 8.2% | intergenic (+52/+27) | ytfK → / ← ytfL | conserved hypothetical protein/predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,892,177 | G→A | 47.6% | D278N (GAC→AAC) | ytfQ → | predicted sugar transporter subunit |
RA | 2,895,458 | G→A | 62.0% | A164A (GCG→GCA) | yjfF → | predicted sugar transporter subunit |
RA | 2,919,516 | T→A | 10.0% | R60R (CGA→CGT) | argI ← | ornithine carbamoyltransferase 1 |
RA | 2,951,011 | A→T | 6.2% | K170* (AAA→TAA) | bglJ → | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 2,951,014 | T→A | 5.7% | F171I (TTT→ATT) | bglJ → | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 2,951,017 | A→T | 6.0% | N172Y (AAT→TAT) | bglJ → | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 2,954,718 | A→G | 8.0% | R82G (AGG→GGG) | rimI → | acetylase for 30S ribosomal subunit protein S18 |
RA | 2,970,436 | C→T | 5.2% | *215* (TGA→TAA) | ytjB ← | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 2,973,690 | A→T | 55.7% | K29I (AAA→ATA) | nadR → | bifunctional DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor and NMN adenylyltransferase |
Unassigned new junction evidence | |||||||||||
seq id | position | reads (cov) | reads (cov) | score | skew | freq | annotation | gene | product | ||
* | ? | Exported | 3845 = | 34 (0.580) | 6 (0.120) | 4/90 | NT | 13.8% | coding (112/1287 nt) | thrC | threonine synthase |
? | Exported | 3877 = | 45 (0.860) | coding (144/1287 nt) | thrC | threonine synthase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 42716 | 42 (0.710) | 4 (0.080) | 3/88 | NT | 10.0% | coding (859/1287 nt) | fixC | predicted oxidoreductase, FAD/NAD(P)‑binding domain |
? | Exported | = 42759 | 36 (0.710) | coding (902/1287 nt) | fixC | predicted oxidoreductase, FAD/NAD(P)‑binding domain | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 43749 = | 59 (1.000) | 3 (0.060) | 3/88 | NT | 5.8% | coding (265/1332 nt) | yaaU | predicted transporter |
? | Exported | 43775 = | 46 (0.900) | coding (291/1332 nt) | yaaU | predicted transporter | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 48676 = | 40 (0.680) | 6 (0.110) | 3/92 | NT | 13.3% | coding (225/843 nt) | apaH | diadenosine tetraphosphatase |
? | Exported | 48712 = | 42 (0.790) | coding (189/843 nt) | apaH | diadenosine tetraphosphatase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 65954 = | 86 (1.460) | 4 (0.070) | 3/94 | NT | 5.7% | coding (745/1092 nt) | leuB | 3‑isopropylmalate dehydrogenase |
? | Exported | 65986 = | 54 (0.990) | coding (713/1092 nt) | leuB | 3‑isopropylmalate dehydrogenase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 95431 | 85 (1.440) | 6 (0.110) | 4/92 | NT | 8.1% | coding (2413/2706 nt) | secA | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon |
? | Exported | = 95447 | 59 (1.110) | coding (2429/2706 nt) | secA | preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase that targets protein precursors to the SecYE core translocon | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 110851 | 40 (0.680) | 7 (0.120) | 4/98 | NT | 17.8% | coding (417/1893 nt) | aceF | pyruvate dehydrogenase, dihydrolipoyltransacetylase component E2 |
? | Exported | = 110874 | 26 (0.460) | coding (440/1893 nt) | aceF | pyruvate dehydrogenase, dihydrolipoyltransacetylase component E2 | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 142010 = | 25 (0.420) | 6 (0.100) | 3/102 | NT | 16.2% | coding (463/480 nt) | folK | 2‑amino‑4‑hydroxy‑6‑hydroxymethyldihyropteridine pyrophosphokinase |
? | Exported | 142041 = | 37 (0.630) | coding (432/480 nt) | folK | 2‑amino‑4‑hydroxy‑6‑hydroxymethyldihyropteridine pyrophosphokinase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 147275 = | 49 (0.830) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 7.6% | coding (431/2430 nt) | hrpB | predicted ATP‑dependent helicase |
? | Exported | 147295 = | 54 (1.040) | coding (451/2430 nt) | hrpB | predicted ATP‑dependent helicase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 148622 = | 62 (1.050) | 5 (0.100) | 4/88 | NT | 8.7% | coding (1778/2430 nt) | hrpB | predicted ATP‑dependent helicase |
? | Exported | 148657 = | 51 (1.000) | coding (1813/2430 nt) | hrpB | predicted ATP‑dependent helicase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 152453 = | 111 (1.880) | 6 (0.120) | 4/90 | NT | 6.5% | coding (1255/1281 nt) | hemL | glutamate‑1‑semialdehyde aminotransferase |
? | Exported | 152488 = | 76 (1.460) | coding (1220/1281 nt) | hemL | glutamate‑1‑semialdehyde aminotransferase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 162556 = | 38 (0.640) | 6 (0.110) | 3/92 | NT | 11.7% | coding (365/387 nt) | yaeH | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 162581 = | 56 (1.050) | coding (340/387 nt) | yaeH | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 177042 | 48 (0.810) | 3 (0.060) | 3/90 | NT | 6.5% | coding (290/2433 nt) | yaeT | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 177076 | 44 (0.850) | coding (324/2433 nt) | yaeT | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 197949 | 37 (0.630) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 9.7% | coding (471/708 nt) | yaeB | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 197965 | 41 (0.770) | coding (455/708 nt) | yaeB | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 202816 = | NA (NA) | 9 (0.170) | 4/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (221/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 202837 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (242/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 202882 = | NA (NA) | 7 (0.120) | 6/100 | NT | NA | noncoding (287/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 202909 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (314/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 202890 | NA (NA) | 8 (0.160) | 3/88 | NT | NA | noncoding (295/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 202899 | NA (NA) | noncoding (304/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 203199 | NA (NA) | 5 (0.100) | 3/88 | NT | NA | noncoding (604/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 203228 | NA (NA) | noncoding (633/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 203376 = | NA (NA) | 7 (0.120) | 4/100 | NT | NA | noncoding (781/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 203397 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (802/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 203668 | NA (NA) | 5 (0.100) | 3/90 | NT | NA | noncoding (1073/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 203696 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1101/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 203909 | NA (NA) | 15 (0.290) | 4/88 | NT | NA | noncoding (1314/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 203917 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1322/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 203951 | NA (NA) | 12 (0.230) | 6/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (1356/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 203960 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1365/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 203979 = | NA (NA) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (1384/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 204001 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (1406/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 204106 | NA (NA) | 7 (0.130) | 6/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (1511/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 204118 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1523/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 204107 = | NA (NA) | 26 (0.490) | 6/92 | NT | 100% | noncoding (1512/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 204119 = | 0 (0.000) | noncoding (1524/1542 nt) | rrsH | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 204740 | NA (NA) | 25 (0.500) | 10/86 | NT | NA | noncoding (157/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 204751 | NA (NA) | noncoding (168/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 204771 | NA (NA) | 14 (0.260) | 7/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (188/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 204790 | NA (NA) | noncoding (207/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 205107 | NA (NA) | 8 (0.140) | 4/96 | NT | NA | noncoding (524/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 205132 | NA (NA) | noncoding (549/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 205174 = | NA (NA) | 9 (0.170) | 4/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (591/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 205200 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (617/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 205178 | NA (NA) | 3 (0.060) | 3/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (595/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 205194 | NA (NA) | noncoding (611/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 205385 | NA (NA) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | NA | noncoding (802/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 205393 | NA (NA) | noncoding (810/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 205532 | NA (NA) | 11 (0.200) | 7/94 | NT | NA | noncoding (949/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 205550 | NA (NA) | noncoding (967/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 205642 | NA (NA) | 12 (0.220) | 8/96 | NT | NA | noncoding (1059/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 205661 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1078/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 205864 | NA (NA) | 7 (0.130) | 3/90 | NT | NA | noncoding (1281/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 205871 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1288/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 206065 | NA (NA) | 3 (0.050) | 3/98 | NT | NA | noncoding (1482/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 206089 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1506/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 206269 = | NA (NA) | 14 (0.250) | 5/96 | NT | NA | noncoding (1686/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 206291 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (1708/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 206326 | NA (NA) | 6 (0.110) | 3/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (1743/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 206343 | NA (NA) | noncoding (1760/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 206717 = | NA (NA) | 4 (0.070) | 4/96 | NT | NA | noncoding (2134/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 206765 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (2182/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 206841 = | NA (NA) | 14 (0.280) | 6/88 | NT | NA | noncoding (2258/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 206866 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (2283/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 206882 = | NA (NA) | 9 (0.170) | 4/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (2299/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 206901 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (2318/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 206979 | NA (NA) | 10 (0.190) | 6/92 | NT | NA | noncoding (2396/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 207009 | NA (NA) | noncoding (2426/2904 nt) | rrlH | 23S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 207550 | NA (NA) | 15 (0.290) | 10/90 | NT | NA | intergenic (+63/‑30) | rrlH/rrfH | 23S ribosomal RNA/5S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | = 207562 | NA (NA) | intergenic (+75/‑18) | rrlH/rrfH | 23S ribosomal RNA/5S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 212436 = | 61 (1.030) | 6 (0.110) | 3/94 | NT | 10.4% | coding (344/1359 nt) | mltD | predicted membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase D |
? | Exported | 212461 = | 47 (0.860) | coding (319/1359 nt) | mltD | predicted membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase D | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 218276 = | 51 (0.860) | 6 (0.110) | 3/96 | NT | 12.2% | coding (738/771 nt) | yafV | predicted C‑N hydrolase family amidase, NAD(P)‑binding |
? | Exported | 218305 = | 38 (0.680) | coding (709/771 nt) | yafV | predicted C‑N hydrolase family amidase, NAD(P)‑binding | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 246182 | 54 (0.920) | 5 (0.100) | 4/88 | NT | 10.5% | coding (572/690 nt) | phoB | DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with PhoR (or CreC) |
? | Exported | = 246199 | 39 (0.770) | coding (589/690 nt) | phoB | DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with PhoR (or CreC) | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 257914 | 63 (1.070) | 7 (0.130) | 3/92 | NT | 9.3% | coding (1799/1848 nt) | secD | SecYEG protein translocase auxillary subunit |
? | Exported | = 257928 | 80 (1.500) | coding (1813/1848 nt) | secD | SecYEG protein translocase auxillary subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 285049 | 44 (0.750) | 8 (0.150) | 3/92 | NT | 16.9% | intergenic (+149/‑97) | tig/clpP | peptidyl‑prolyl cis/trans isomerase/proteolytic subunit of ClpA‑ClpP and ClpX‑ClpP ATP‑dependent serine proteases |
? | Exported | = 285060 | 39 (0.730) | intergenic (+160/‑86) | tig/clpP | peptidyl‑prolyl cis/trans isomerase/proteolytic subunit of ClpA‑ClpP and ClpX‑ClpP ATP‑dependent serine proteases | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 322303 = | 80 (1.360) | 8 (0.160) | 3/88 | NT | 12.6% | coding (1743/1932 nt) | dnaX | DNA polymerase III/DNA elongation factor III, tau and gamma subunits |
? | Exported | 322331 = | 42 (0.830) | coding (1771/1932 nt) | dnaX | DNA polymerase III/DNA elongation factor III, tau and gamma subunits | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 409429 = | 54 (0.920) | 6 (0.110) | 3/92 | NT | 11.8% | coding (330/582 nt) | rlpB | minor lipoprotein |
? | Exported | 409460 = | 41 (0.770) | coding (299/582 nt) | rlpB | minor lipoprotein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 415786 = | 44 (0.750) | 6 (0.110) | 3/98 | NT | 11.2% | coding (933/1080 nt) | ybeZ | hypothetical protein with nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase domain |
? | Exported | 415807 = | 53 (0.940) | coding (912/1080 nt) | ybeZ | hypothetical protein with nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase domain | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 428834 = | 71 (1.200) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 7.6% | coding (1590/1947 nt) | nagE | fused N‑acetyl glucosamine specific PTS enzyme IICBA components |
? | Exported | 428867 = | 57 (1.070) | coding (1623/1947 nt) | nagE | fused N‑acetyl glucosamine specific PTS enzyme IICBA components | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 430094 = | 53 (0.900) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 7.6% | coding (701/1665 nt) | glnS | glutamyl‑tRNA synthetase |
? | Exported | 430131 = | 50 (0.940) | coding (738/1665 nt) | glnS | glutamyl‑tRNA synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 434316 | 58 (0.980) | 5 (0.090) | 3/98 | NT | 8.4% | coding (451/531 nt) | fldA | flavodoxin 1 |
? | Exported | = 434342 | 53 (0.940) | coding (425/531 nt) | fldA | flavodoxin 1 | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 436259 = | 36 (0.610) | 12 (0.220) | 11/94 | NT | 26.6% | intergenic (‑156/‑29) | ybfF/seqA | conserved hypothetical protein/regulatory protein for replication initiation |
? | Exported | = 2706018 | 33 (0.610) | coding (836/837 nt) | dam | DNA adenine methylase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 436833 | 49 (0.830) | 12 (0.200) | 8/102 | NT | 17.4% | coding (546/546 nt) | seqA | regulatory protein for replication initiation |
? | Exported | 1803907 = | 65 (1.100) | intergenic (+63/‑28) | ygaH/mprA | predicted inner membrane protein/DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 438512 = | 29 (0.490) | 11 (0.310) +ACGTATGACAAACACAGAAT |
3/62 | NT | 33.1% | intergenic (+13/‑201) | pgm/ybfP | phosphoglucomutase/hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 2493639 = | 44 (0.750) | intergenic (+21/‑354) | gyrB/ibpA | DNA gyrase, subunit B/heat shock chaperone | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 449616 = | 53 (0.900) | 6 (0.110) | 3/96 | NT | 10.8% | coding (722/2049 nt) | kdpB | potassium translocating ATPase, subunit B |
? | Exported | 449637 = | 49 (0.880) | coding (701/2049 nt) | kdpB | potassium translocating ATPase, subunit B | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 481460 = | 80 (1.360) | 9 (0.170) | 3/90 | NT | 13.2% | coding (254/405 nt) | ybgC | predicted acyl‑CoA thioesterase |
? | Exported | 481488 = | 48 (0.920) | coding (282/405 nt) | ybgC | predicted acyl‑CoA thioesterase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 494979 = | 46 (0.780) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 10.5% | coding (314/1041 nt) | galM | galactose‑1‑epimerase |
? | Exported | 495022 = | 44 (0.830) | coding (271/1041 nt) | galM | galactose‑1‑epimerase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 509765 = | 93 (1.580) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 5.9% | coding (1424/1434 nt) | ybhI | predicted transporter |
? | Exported | 509805 = | 46 (0.880) | intergenic (+30/‑153) | ybhI/ybhJ | predicted transporter/predicted hydratase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 589625 | 23 (0.390) | 4 (0.080) | 3/88 | NT | 14.1% | coding (332/495 nt) | lrp | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator, leucine‑binding |
? | Exported | = 589656 | 29 (0.570) | coding (363/495 nt) | lrp | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator, leucine‑binding | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 627360 | 40 (0.680) | 6 (0.120) | 5/88 | NT | 13.4% | intergenic (+40/‑12) | ycaQ/ycaR | conserved hypothetical protein/conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 627371 | 43 (0.840) | intergenic (+51/‑1) | ycaQ/ycaR | conserved hypothetical protein/conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 634796 | 49 (0.830) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 8.3% | coding (1772/4461 nt) | mukB | fused chromosome partitioning proteins |
? | Exported | = 634816 | 45 (0.860) | coding (1792/4461 nt) | mukB | fused chromosome partitioning proteins | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 683667 | 71 (1.200) | 5 (0.090) | 3/96 | NT | 6.9% | coding (48/459 nt) | mgsA | methylglyoxal synthase |
? | Exported | = 683688 | 69 (1.240) | coding (27/459 nt) | mgsA | methylglyoxal synthase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 688504 = | 58 (0.980) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 7.3% | intergenic (‑93/‑334) | serT/hyaA | tRNA‑Ser/hydrogenase 1, small subunit |
? | Exported | 688531 = | 50 (0.960) | intergenic (‑120/‑307) | serT/hyaA | tRNA‑Ser/hydrogenase 1, small subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 704051 = | 36 (0.610) | 5 (0.100) | 3/90 | NT | 13.0% | coding (594/2097 nt) | ymcA | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 704072 = | 35 (0.670) | coding (573/2097 nt) | ymcA | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 712998 = | 71 (1.200) | 7 (0.130) | 3/90 | NT | 10.2% | coding (438/1047 nt) | pyrC | dihydro‑orotase |
? | Exported | 713021 = | 60 (1.150) | coding (415/1047 nt) | pyrC | dihydro‑orotase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 715224 = | 56 (0.950) | 8 (0.150) | 3/94 | NT | 10.9% | coding (931/1209 nt) | mdtH | predicted drug efflux system |
? | Exported | 715252 = | 79 (1.450) | coding (903/1209 nt) | mdtH | predicted drug efflux system | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 723645 | 82 (1.390) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 6.1% | intergenic (‑23/‑112) | rne/yceQ | fused ribonucleaseE endoribonuclease and scaffold for formation of degradosome/hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 723669 | 79 (1.450) | intergenic (‑47/‑88) | rne/yceQ | fused ribonucleaseE endoribonuclease and scaffold for formation of degradosome/hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 732619 | 55 (0.930) | 7 (0.130) | 4/96 | NT | 13.4% | coding (65/810 nt) | pabC | 4‑amino‑4‑deoxychorismate lyase component of para‑aminobenzoate synthase multienzyme complex |
? | Exported | = 732639 | 39 (0.700) | coding (85/810 nt) | pabC | 4‑amino‑4‑deoxychorismate lyase component of para‑aminobenzoate synthase multienzyme complex | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 759738 = | 48 (0.810) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 9.0% | coding (785/789 nt) | ycfZ | predicted inner membrane protein |
? | Exported | 759772 = | 39 (0.750) | coding (751/789 nt) | ycfZ | predicted inner membrane protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 789187 | 81 (1.370) | 13 (0.220) | 4/102 | NT | 15.4% | coding (269/1533 nt) | ycgB | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 789215 | 62 (1.050) | coding (241/1533 nt) | ycgB | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 808136 = | 50 (0.850) | 6 (0.120) | 3/90 | NT | 12.8% | coding (31/2868 nt) | ycgV | predicted adhesin |
? | Exported | 808171 = | 38 (0.730) | intergenic (‑5/+764) | ycgV/ychF | predicted adhesin/predicted GTP‑binding protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 809715 = | 82 (1.390) | 4 (0.070) | 3/94 | NT | 5.5% | coding (312/1092 nt) | ychF | predicted GTP‑binding protein |
? | Exported | 809751 = | 62 (1.140) | coding (276/1092 nt) | ychF | predicted GTP‑binding protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 812571 = | 41 (0.700) | 3 (0.060) | 3/94 | NT | 7.2% | coding (447/1680 nt) | ychM | predicted transporter |
? | Exported | 812595 = | 39 (0.720) | coding (423/1680 nt) | ychM | predicted transporter | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 860365 | 47 (0.800) | 3 (0.060) | 3/90 | NT | 7.2% | coding (1536/1563 nt) | trpE | component I of anthranilate synthase |
? | Exported | = 860375 | 36 (0.690) | coding (1526/1563 nt) | trpE | component I of anthranilate synthase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 869212 | 51 (0.860) | 10 (0.190) | 4/92 | NT | 18.2% | coding (927/1050 nt) | sohB | predicted inner membrane peptidase |
? | Exported | = 869257 | 44 (0.830) | coding (972/1050 nt) | sohB | predicted inner membrane peptidase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 882505 = | 35 (0.590) | 4 (0.090) | 3/78 | NT | 14.3% | intergenic (‑223/+46) | osmB/yciT | lipoprotein/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
? | Exported | 882535 = | 21 (0.470) | intergenic (‑253/+16) | osmB/yciT | lipoprotein/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 889667 = | 75 (1.270) | 9 (0.160) | 3/96 | NT | 11.5% | coding (327/789 nt) | fabI | enoyl‑[acyl‑carrier‑protein] reductase, NADH‑dependent |
? | Exported | 889691 = | 68 (1.220) | coding (303/789 nt) | fabI | enoyl‑[acyl‑carrier‑protein] reductase, NADH‑dependent | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 930253 = | 61 (1.030) | 3 (0.060) | 3/92 | NT | 5.2% | coding (565/957 nt) | yddK | hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 930278 = | 55 (1.030) | coding (540/957 nt) | yddK | hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 949549 = | 82 (1.390) | 12 (0.220) | 3/94 | NT | 13.7% | coding (1288/2400 nt) | dos | cAMP phosphodiesterase, heme‑regulated |
? | Exported | 949570 = | 75 (1.380) | coding (1267/2400 nt) | dos | cAMP phosphodiesterase, heme‑regulated | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 969609 | 52 (0.880) | 3 (0.060) | 3/84 | NT | 6.4% | intergenic (‑193/‑56) | ydeW/ego | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator/fused AI2 transporter subunits and ATP‑binding components of ABC superfamily |
? | Exported | = 969624 | 45 (0.930) | intergenic (‑208/‑41) | ydeW/ego | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator/fused AI2 transporter subunits and ATP‑binding components of ABC superfamily | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 974186 = | 93 (1.580) | 10 (0.190) | 4/90 | NT | 11.2% | coding (961/1023 nt) | lsrB | AI2 transporter |
? | Exported | 974243 = | 77 (1.480) | coding (1018/1023 nt) | lsrB | AI2 transporter | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 975564 | 102 (1.730) | 6 (0.110) | 4/96 | NT | 5.6% | coding (51/375 nt) | ydeH | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 975584 | 108 (1.950) | coding (31/375 nt) | ydeH | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 977434 = | 57 (0.970) | 4 (0.080) | 3/88 | NT | 7.6% | coding (1711/2046 nt) | dcp | dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase II |
? | Exported | 977463 = | 48 (0.940) | coding (1682/2046 nt) | dcp | dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase II | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 981092 = | 48 (0.810) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 8.8% | coding (73/498 nt) | ydfP | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 981138 = | 60 (1.100) | coding (27/498 nt) | ydfP | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1000972 = | 54 (0.920) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 8.2% | coding (221/366 nt) | mdtJ | multidrug efflux system transporter |
? | Exported | 1001000 = | 42 (0.810) | coding (193/366 nt) | mdtJ | multidrug efflux system transporter | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1022294 = | 47 (0.800) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 8.9% | coding (1469/1812 nt) | uidA | beta‑D‑glucuronidase |
? | Exported | 1022319 = | 40 (0.750) | coding (1444/1812 nt) | uidA | beta‑D‑glucuronidase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1037327 = | 87 (1.470) | 10 (0.190) | 5/92 | NT | 11.9% | coding (495/1059 nt) | rsxD | predicted inner membrane oxidoreductase |
? | Exported | 1037353 = | 70 (1.320) | coding (521/1059 nt) | rsxD | predicted inner membrane oxidoreductase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1056693 = | 70 (1.190) | 6 (0.120) | 3/84 | NT | 9.5% | intergenic (+8/‑85) | rnt/lhr | ribonuclease T (RNase T)/predicted ATP‑dependent helicase |
? | Exported | 1056725 = | 57 (1.170) | intergenic (+40/‑53) | rnt/lhr | ribonuclease T (RNase T)/predicted ATP‑dependent helicase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1066246 = | 63 (1.070) | 5 (0.090) | 3/96 | NT | 7.7% | coding (712/1026 nt) | purR | DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor, hypoxanthine‑binding |
? | Exported | 1066291 = | 61 (1.100) | coding (757/1026 nt) | purR | DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor, hypoxanthine‑binding | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1072805 | 89 (1.510) | 7 (0.130) | 3/92 | NT | 7.5% | coding (1014/1257 nt) | ydhQ | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 1072846 | 92 (1.730) | coding (973/1257 nt) | ydhQ | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1082426 | 32 (0.540) | 2 (0.040) | 3/88 | NT | 6.7% | intergenic (‑258/+197) | ydhY/ydhZ | predicted 4Fe‑4S ferridoxin‑type protein/hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 1082435 | 28 (0.550) | intergenic (‑267/+188) | ydhY/ydhZ | predicted 4Fe‑4S ferridoxin‑type protein/hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1094415 | 42 (0.710) | 6 (0.110) | 4/94 | NT | 12.5% | coding (1962/3057 nt) | ydiJ | predicted FAD‑linked oxidoreductase |
? | Exported | = 1094431 | 45 (0.830) | coding (1946/3057 nt) | ydiJ | predicted FAD‑linked oxidoreductase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1102207 | 105 (1.780) | 7 (0.130) | 5/92 | NT | 6.3% | coding (728/867 nt) | ydiB | quinate/shikimate 5‑dehydrogenase, NAD(P)‑binding |
? | Exported | = 1102226 | 113 (2.120) | coding (747/867 nt) | ydiB | quinate/shikimate 5‑dehydrogenase, NAD(P)‑binding | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1106486 | 37 (0.630) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 10.4% | coding (507/912 nt) | ydiP | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
? | Exported | = 1106504 | 52 (0.960) | coding (489/912 nt) | ydiP | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1163606 = | 45 (0.760) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 10.9% | coding (401/549 nt) | ynjA | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 1163628 = | 40 (0.740) | coding (423/549 nt) | ynjA | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1213192 | 48 (0.810) | 3 (0.060) | 3/80 | NT | 6.0% | intergenic (+112/+32) | yobH/kdgR | hypothetical protein/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
? | Exported | = 1213205 | 56 (1.210) | intergenic (+125/+19) | yobH/kdgR | hypothetical protein/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1228464 = | 37 (0.630) | 3 (0.060) | 3/88 | NT | 5.9% | coding (44/873 nt) | yebZ | predicted inner membrane protein |
? | Exported | 1228520 = | 63 (1.240) | coding (366/375 nt) | yobA | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1238879 | 57 (0.970) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 6.8% | coding (1352/1476 nt) | zwf | glucose‑6‑phosphate dehydrogenase |
? | Exported | = 1238886 | 58 (1.090) | coding (1345/1476 nt) | zwf | glucose‑6‑phosphate dehydrogenase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1240246 | 40 (0.680) | 7 (0.140) | 4/88 | NT | 16.2% | intergenic (‑16/‑322) | zwf/yebK | glucose‑6‑phosphate dehydrogenase/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
? | Exported | = 1240259 | 38 (0.750) | intergenic (‑29/‑309) | zwf/yebK | glucose‑6‑phosphate dehydrogenase/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1262733 = | 55 (0.930) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 6.8% | coding (450/747 nt) | cutC | copper homeostasis protein |
? | Exported | 1262759 = | 61 (1.170) | coding (424/747 nt) | cutC | copper homeostasis protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1270365 = | 71 (1.200) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 6.3% | coding (616/816 nt) | yedP | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 1270390 = | 57 (1.100) | coding (641/816 nt) | yedP | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1275427 = | 73 (1.240) | 4 (0.080) | 3/82 | NT | 7.6% | intergenic (+91/‑252) | yodA/yodB | conserved metal‑binding protein/predicted cytochrome |
? | Exported | 1275460 = | 39 (0.820) | intergenic (+124/‑219) | yodA/yodB | conserved metal‑binding protein/predicted cytochrome | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1281187 = | 66 (1.120) | 6 (0.110) | 3/96 | NT | 8.9% | coding (2966/7104 nt) | yeeJ | adhesin |
? | Exported | 1281223 = | 60 (1.080) | coding (3002/7104 nt) | yeeJ | adhesin | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1330180 = | 57 (0.970) | 4 (0.080) | 3/84 | NT | 9.0% | intergenic (‑20/+35) | wcaJ/cpsG | predicted UDP‑glucose lipid carrier transferase/phosphomannomutase |
? | Exported | 1330204 = | 34 (0.700) | intergenic (‑44/+11) | wcaJ/cpsG | predicted UDP‑glucose lipid carrier transferase/phosphomannomutase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1352904 = | 103 (1.750) | 10 (0.190) | 3/92 | NT | 9.3% | coding (609/789 nt) | thiM | hydoxyethylthiazole kinase |
? | Exported | 1352939 = | 102 (1.920) | coding (574/789 nt) | thiM | hydoxyethylthiazole kinase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1400840 = | 60 (1.020) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 6.7% | coding (555/714 nt) | yeiU | undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase |
? | Exported | 1400874 = | 58 (1.110) | coding (589/714 nt) | yeiU | undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1401133 | 42 (0.710) | 9 (0.170) | 3/90 | NT | 20.7% | intergenic (+134/‑278) | yeiU/spr | undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase/predicted peptidase, outer membrane lipoprotein |
? | Exported | = 1401140 | 32 (0.610) | intergenic (+141/‑271) | yeiU/spr | undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase/predicted peptidase, outer membrane lipoprotein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1405274 = | 52 (0.880) | 4 (0.080) | 3/88 | NT | 9.4% | coding (1479/1815 nt) | yejA | predicted oligopeptide transporter subunit |
? | Exported | 1405305 = | 32 (0.630) | coding (1510/1815 nt) | yejA | predicted oligopeptide transporter subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1443925 = | 106 (1.800) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 5.8% | coding (197/651 nt) | rcsB | DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with RcsC and YojN |
? | Exported | 1443960 = | 68 (1.280) | coding (232/651 nt) | rcsB | DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with RcsC and YojN | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1468984 = | 43 (0.730) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 11.4% | coding (2738/3753 nt) | yfaL | adhesin |
? | Exported | 1469005 = | 39 (0.730) | coding (2717/3753 nt) | yfaL | adhesin | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1540903 | 31 (0.530) | 4 (0.080) | 3/88 | NT | 13.6% | intergenic (‑5/+676) | yfcV/sixA | predicted fimbrial‑like adhesin protein/phosphohistidine phosphatase |
? | Exported | = 1540916 | 24 (0.470) | intergenic (‑18/+663) | yfcV/sixA | predicted fimbrial‑like adhesin protein/phosphohistidine phosphatase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1553184 | 43 (0.730) | 6 (0.120) | 3/90 | NT | 12.3% | coding (66/936 nt) | dsdC | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
? | Exported | = 1553192 | 48 (0.920) | coding (58/936 nt) | dsdC | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1557153 = | 62 (1.050) | 3 (0.050) | 3/98 | NT | 5.4% | intergenic (+1003/+260) | dsdA/emrY | D‑serine ammonia‑lyase/predicted multidrug efflux system |
? | Exported | 1557174 = | 45 (0.790) | intergenic (+1024/+239) | dsdA/emrY | D‑serine ammonia‑lyase/predicted multidrug efflux system | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1572933 | 41 (0.700) | 5 (0.090) | 4/92 | NT | 12.2% | coding (798/1416 nt) | gltX | glutamyl‑tRNA synthetase |
? | Exported | = 1572957 | 35 (0.660) | coding (774/1416 nt) | gltX | glutamyl‑tRNA synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1586261 = | 44 (0.750) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 11.0% | coding (795/972 nt) | cysK | cysteine synthase A, O‑acetylserine sulfhydrolase A subunit |
? | Exported | 1586289 = | 25 (0.470) | coding (823/972 nt) | cysK | cysteine synthase A, O‑acetylserine sulfhydrolase A subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1592994 | 52 (0.880) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 8.1% | coding (879/1098 nt) | cysA | sulfate/thiosulfate transporter subunit |
? | Exported | = 1593014 | 44 (0.830) | coding (859/1098 nt) | cysA | sulfate/thiosulfate transporter subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1596603 | 42 (0.710) | 5 (0.100) | 3/86 | NT | 12.8% | intergenic (‑17/+287) | cysP/ucpA | thiosulfate transporter subunit/predicted oxidoredutase, sulfate metabolism protein |
? | Exported | = 1596628 | 33 (0.660) | intergenic (‑42/+262) | cysP/ucpA | thiosulfate transporter subunit/predicted oxidoredutase, sulfate metabolism protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1605349 = | 66 (1.120) | 7 (0.130) | 4/92 | NT | 12.6% | intergenic (‑153/‑61) | ypeA/amiA | predicted acyltransferase with acyl‑CoA N‑acyltransferase domain/N‑acetylmuramoyl‑l‑alanine amidase I |
? | Exported | 1605372 = | 38 (0.710) | intergenic (‑176/‑38) | ypeA/amiA | predicted acyltransferase with acyl‑CoA N‑acyltransferase domain/N‑acetylmuramoyl‑l‑alanine amidase I | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1607174 = | 23 (0.390) | 4 (0.070) | 3/94 | NT | 16.3% | coding (892/900 nt) | hemF | coproporphyrinogen III oxidase |
? | Exported | 1607197 = | 20 (0.370) | coding (1044/1053 nt) | yfeG | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1615730 = | 63 (1.070) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 7.0% | coding (50/1188 nt) | eutG | predicted alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanolamine utilization |
? | Exported | 1615752 = | 50 (0.960) | coding (28/1188 nt) | eutG | predicted alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanolamine utilization | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1616198 = | 51 (0.860) | 6 (0.120) | 3/88 | NT | 11.9% | coding (408/837 nt) | eutJ | predicted chaperonin, ethanolamine utilization protein |
? | Exported | 1616221 = | 45 (0.880) | coding (385/837 nt) | eutJ | predicted chaperonin, ethanolamine utilization protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1626610 | 49 (0.830) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 7.7% | coding (707/2004 nt) | tktB | transketolase 2, thiamin‑binding |
? | Exported | = 1626621 | 52 (1.000) | coding (718/2004 nt) | tktB | transketolase 2, thiamin‑binding | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1657873 | 70 (1.190) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 7.3% | coding (73/1542 nt) | ppx | exopolyphosphatase |
? | Exported | = 1657886 | 63 (1.160) | coding (86/1542 nt) | ppx | exopolyphosphatase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1659143 | 59 (1.000) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 8.1% | coding (1343/1542 nt) | ppx | exopolyphosphatase |
? | Exported | = 1659178 | 61 (1.150) | coding (1378/1542 nt) | ppx | exopolyphosphatase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1660446 | 62 (1.050) | 8 (0.150) | 4/90 | NT | 12.8% | coding (1179/2244 nt) | yfgF | predicted inner membrane protein |
? | Exported | = 1660457 | 54 (1.040) | coding (1168/2244 nt) | yfgF | predicted inner membrane protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1699109 = | 35 (0.590) | 6 (0.100) | 3/100 | NT | 14.6% | coding (989/1281 nt) | csiE | stationary phase inducible protein |
? | Exported | 1699134 = | 36 (0.620) | coding (1014/1281 nt) | csiE | stationary phase inducible protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1720522 = | 57 (0.970) | 5 (0.090) | 4/96 | NT | 9.3% | coding (968/1335 nt) | yfhA | predicted DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component system |
? | Exported | 1720547 = | 44 (0.790) | coding (943/1335 nt) | yfhA | predicted DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component system | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1735002 | 54 (0.920) | 6 (0.120) | 3/88 | NT | 9.9% | coding (154/729 nt) | recO | gap repair protein |
? | Exported | = 1735012 | 63 (1.240) | coding (144/729 nt) | recO | gap repair protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1736409 = | 35 (0.590) | 3 (0.050) | 3/96 | NT | 8.6% | coding (341/681 nt) | rnc | RNase III |
? | Exported | 1736433 = | 31 (0.560) | coding (317/681 nt) | rnc | RNase III | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1756898 | 39 (0.660) | 8 (0.160) | 4/88 | NT | 18.5% | coding (34/273 nt) | yfiM | hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 1756905 | 37 (0.730) | coding (41/273 nt) | yfiM | hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1761899 = | 19 (0.320) | 3 (0.060) | 3/94 | NT | 14.6% | intergenic (‑29/+156) | rrlG/gltW | 23S ribosomal RNA/tRNA‑Glu |
? | Exported | 2232352 = | NA (NA) | intergenic (‑8/+186) | rrlD/gltV | 23S ribosomal RNA/tRNA‑Glu | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1763935 = | NA (NA) | 5 (0.090) | 4/94 | NT | NA | intergenic (‑92/+351) | rrsG/clpB | 16S ribosomal RNA/protein disaggregation chaperone |
? | Exported | 1763965 = | NA (NA) | intergenic (‑122/+321) | rrsG/clpB | 16S ribosomal RNA/protein disaggregation chaperone | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1812360 | 37 (0.630) | 6 (0.110) | 3/96 | NT | 12.3% | intergenic (‑49/+186) | csrA/alaS | pleiotropic regulatory protein for carbon source metabolism/alanyl‑tRNA synthetase |
? | Exported | = 1812377 | 51 (0.920) | intergenic (‑66/+169) | csrA/alaS | pleiotropic regulatory protein for carbon source metabolism/alanyl‑tRNA synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1852566 | 53 (0.900) | 7 (0.140) | 3/86 | NT | 14.2% | coding (1055/1509 nt) | ygcL | hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 1852580 | 40 (0.800) | coding (1041/1509 nt) | ygcL | hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1864946 = | 58 (0.980) | 3 (0.060) | 3/92 | NT | 5.7% | coding (316/861 nt) | ygcQ | predicted flavoprotein |
? | Exported | 1864972 = | 47 (0.880) | coding (290/861 nt) | ygcQ | predicted flavoprotein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1867538 = | 98 (1.660) | 6 (0.110) | 5/98 | NT | 5.8% | coding (1363/1455 nt) | ygcU | predicted FAD containing dehydrogenase |
? | Exported | 1867566 = | 99 (1.750) | coding (1335/1455 nt) | ygcU | predicted FAD containing dehydrogenase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1879048 | 63 (1.070) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 7.3% | coding (101/1638 nt) | pyrG | CTP synthetase |
? | Exported | = 1879059 | 69 (1.270) | coding (90/1638 nt) | pyrG | CTP synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1885816 | 47 (0.800) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 9.3% | coding (1278/2757 nt) | barA | hybrid sensory histidine kinase, in two‑component regulatory system with UvrY |
? | Exported | = 1885828 | 55 (1.030) | coding (1290/2757 nt) | barA | hybrid sensory histidine kinase, in two‑component regulatory system with UvrY | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1903687 | 46 (0.780) | 10 (0.200) | 3/86 | NT | 20.5% | coding (2235/2889 nt) | ptr | protease III |
? | Exported | = 1903712 | 39 (0.780) | coding (2210/2889 nt) | ptr | protease III | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1908504 | 46 (0.780) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 9.4% | coding (962/3369 nt) | recC | exonuclease V (RecBCD complex), gamma chain |
? | Exported | = 1908524 | 36 (0.680) | coding (942/3369 nt) | recC | exonuclease V (RecBCD complex), gamma chain | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1915974 = | 68 (1.150) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 8.4% | coding (41/531 nt) | nudH | nucleotide hydrolase |
? | Exported | 1916005 = | 48 (0.900) | coding (10/531 nt) | nudH | nucleotide hydrolase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1928403 = | 70 (1.190) | 8 (0.150) | 3/92 | NT | 10.1% | coding (817/1419 nt) | araE | arabinose transporter |
? | Exported | 1928438 = | 80 (1.500) | coding (782/1419 nt) | araE | arabinose transporter | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1939651 = | 73 (1.240) | 5 (0.100) | 3/88 | NT | 7.5% | intergenic (+7/+33) | fldB/ygfX | flavodoxin 2/hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 1939681 = | 60 (1.180) | intergenic (+37/+3) | fldB/ygfX | flavodoxin 2/hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1940973 = | 45 (0.760) | 7 (0.120) | 4/100 | NT | 14.3% | coding (393/981 nt) | ygfZ | predicted folate‑dependent regulatory protein |
? | Exported | 1941002 = | 40 (0.690) | coding (422/981 nt) | ygfZ | predicted folate‑dependent regulatory protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1956306 | 71 (1.200) | 5 (0.100) | 3/88 | NT | 7.9% | intergenic (+249/+140) | ygfA/serA | predicted ligase/D‑3‑phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase |
? | Exported | = 1956330 | 55 (1.080) | intergenic (+273/+116) | ygfA/serA | predicted ligase/D‑3‑phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1958332 = | 38 (0.640) | 15 (0.290) | 4/88 | NT | 34.6% | coding (262/660 nt) | rpiA | ribosephosphate isomerase, constitutive |
? | Exported | 1958358 = | 24 (0.470) | coding (236/660 nt) | rpiA | ribosephosphate isomerase, constitutive | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1975203 | 54 (0.920) | 8 (0.160) | 5/88 | NT | 13.8% | intergenic (+349/‑75) | metK/galP | methionine adenosyltransferase 1/D‑galactose transporter |
? | Exported | = 1975209 | 53 (1.040) | intergenic (+355/‑69) | metK/galP | methionine adenosyltransferase 1/D‑galactose transporter | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1986808 | 52 (0.880) | 7 (0.130) | 3/92 | NT | 12.4% | coding (915/1047 nt) | ansB | periplasmic L‑asparaginase II |
? | Exported | = 1986819 | 52 (0.980) | coding (904/1047 nt) | ansB | periplasmic L‑asparaginase II | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 1987760 | 66 (1.120) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 7.9% | intergenic (‑38/+138) | ansB/yggN | periplasmic L‑asparaginase II/hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 1987772 | 56 (1.030) | intergenic (‑50/+126) | ansB/yggN | periplasmic L‑asparaginase II/hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 1999373 = | 38 (0.640) | 7 (0.170) | 3/72 | NT | 24.2% | intergenic (‑242/+50) | pitB/gss | phosphate transporter/fused glutathionylspermidine amidase and glutathionylspermidine synthetase |
? | Exported | 1999408 = | 17 (0.410) | intergenic (‑277/+15) | pitB/gss | phosphate transporter/fused glutathionylspermidine amidase and glutathionylspermidine synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2001013 | 45 (0.760) | 8 (0.160) | 4/88 | NT | 16.0% | coding (270/1860 nt) | gss | fused glutathionylspermidine amidase and glutathionylspermidine synthetase |
? | Exported | = 2001023 | 45 (0.880) | coding (260/1860 nt) | gss | fused glutathionylspermidine amidase and glutathionylspermidine synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2001438 = | 72 (1.220) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 5.6% | intergenic (‑156/‑49) | gss/yghU | fused glutathionylspermidine amidase and glutathionylspermidine synthetase/predicted S‑transferase |
? | Exported | 2001487 = | 70 (1.320) | coding (1/867 nt) | yghU | predicted S‑transferase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2041126 | 94 (1.590) | 9 (0.170) | 3/90 | NT | 9.7% | intergenic (+173/‑219) | yqiH/yqiI | predicted periplasmic pilin chaperone/conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 2041151 | 84 (1.610) | intergenic (+198/‑194) | yqiH/yqiI | predicted periplasmic pilin chaperone/conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2065275 | 61 (1.030) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 8.5% | coding (1516/1842 nt) | rpoD | RNA polymerase, sigma 70 (sigma D) factor |
? | Exported | = 2065303 | 53 (1.000) | coding (1544/1842 nt) | rpoD | RNA polymerase, sigma 70 (sigma D) factor | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2070089 | 87 (1.470) | 6 (0.100) | 3/102 | NT | 6.4% | intergenic (‑300/‑91) | aer/ygjG | fused signal transducer for aerotaxis sensory component and methyl accepting chemotaxis component/putrescine:2‑oxoglutaric acid aminotransferase, PLP‑dependent |
? | Exported | = 2070114 | 88 (1.490) | intergenic (‑325/‑66) | aer/ygjG | fused signal transducer for aerotaxis sensory component and methyl accepting chemotaxis component/putrescine:2‑oxoglutaric acid aminotransferase, PLP‑dependent | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2114423 = | 86 (1.460) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 5.6% | coding (523/2517 nt) | yraJ | predicted outer membrane protein |
? | Exported | 2114447 = | 60 (1.150) | coding (547/2517 nt) | yraJ | predicted outer membrane protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2123477 = | 59 (1.000) | 7 (0.120) | 3/100 | NT | 11.1% | coding (457/636 nt) | yraR | predicted nucleoside‑diphosphate‑sugar epimerase |
? | Exported | 2123505 = | 54 (0.930) | coding (429/636 nt) | yraR | predicted nucleoside‑diphosphate‑sugar epimerase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2172634 | 50 (0.850) | 7 (0.140) | 3/86 | NT | 16.1% | coding (427/855 nt) | yhbJ | hypothetical protein with nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase domain |
? | Exported | = 2172672 | 31 (0.620) | coding (465/855 nt) | yhbJ | hypothetical protein with nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase domain | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2192617 | 50 (0.850) | 7 (0.130) | 4/92 | NT | 13.3% | coding (86/639 nt) | sspA | stringent starvation protein A |
? | Exported | = 2192634 | 46 (0.860) | coding (69/639 nt) | sspA | stringent starvation protein A | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2246973 | 36 (0.610) | 3 (0.060) | 3/90 | NT | 7.2% | coding (686/1896 nt) | thiC | thiamin (pyrimidine moiety) biosynthesis protein |
? | Exported | = 2246999 | 46 (0.880) | coding (712/1896 nt) | thiC | thiamin (pyrimidine moiety) biosynthesis protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2258821 | 72 (1.220) | 11 (0.200) | 3/96 | NT | 13.9% | coding (2322/4029 nt) | rpoB | RNA polymerase, beta subunit |
? | Exported | = 2258846 | 68 (1.220) | coding (2297/4029 nt) | rpoB | RNA polymerase, beta subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2266492 | 44 (0.750) | 8 (0.150) | 3/92 | NT | 14.0% | intergenic (‑49/+66) | tufB/thrT | protein chain elongation factor EF‑Tu/tRNA‑Thr |
? | Exported | = 2266511 | 59 (1.110) | intergenic (‑68/+47) | tufB/thrT | protein chain elongation factor EF‑Tu/tRNA‑Thr | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2275478 = | NA (NA) | 7 (0.130) | 5/90 | NT | 100% | noncoding (251/1542 nt) | rrsB | 16S ribosomal RNA |
? | Exported | 2362809 = | 0 (0.000) | noncoding (274/1542 nt) | rrsA | 16S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2281412 = | 33 (0.560) | 9 (0.170) | 4/94 | NT | 21.6% | intergenic (‑92/‑185) | fabR/sthA | DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor/pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase, soluble |
? | Exported | 2281464 = | 35 (0.640) | intergenic (‑144/‑133) | fabR/sthA | DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor/pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase, soluble | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2295682 = | 53 (0.900) | 10 (0.180) | 5/96 | NT | 17.4% | coding (116/906 nt) | yijE | predicted permease |
? | Exported | 2295707 = | 45 (0.810) | coding (91/906 nt) | yijE | predicted permease | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2298366 | 16 (0.270) | 3 (0.060) | 3/88 | NT | 16.3% | intergenic (‑296/+33) | katG/metF | catalase/hydroperoxidase HPI(I)/5,10‑methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase |
? | Exported | = 2298380 | 17 (0.330) | intergenic (‑310/+19) | katG/metF | catalase/hydroperoxidase HPI(I)/5,10‑methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2307169 = | 43 (0.730) | 10 (0.200) | 3/88 | NT | 20.6% | coding (2075/2199 nt) | priA | primosome factor n' |
? | Exported | 2307203 = | 40 (0.790) | coding (2109/2199 nt) | priA | primosome factor n' | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2309686 | 59 (1.000) | 4 (0.080) | 3/88 | NT | 7.9% | coding (69/531 nt) | hslV | peptidase component of the HslUV protease |
? | Exported | = 2309706 | 43 (0.840) | coding (89/531 nt) | hslV | peptidase component of the HslUV protease | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2313413 | 43 (0.730) | 7 (0.140) | 3/88 | NT | 14.9% | intergenic (‑23/‑402) | yiiU/glpF | conserved hypothetical protein/glycerol facilitator |
? | Exported | = 2313447 | 43 (0.840) | intergenic (‑57/‑368) | yiiU/glpF | conserved hypothetical protein/glycerol facilitator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2318657 = | 62 (1.050) | 5 (0.090) | 4/94 | NT | 8.7% | coding (282/300 nt) | yiiS | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 2318677 = | 48 (0.880) | coding (262/300 nt) | yiiS | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2324191 = | 73 (1.240) | 7 (0.130) | 4/92 | NT | 10.7% | coding (163/963 nt) | pfkA | 6‑phosphofructokinase I |
? | Exported | 2324225 = | 51 (0.960) | coding (129/963 nt) | pfkA | 6‑phosphofructokinase I | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2325828 = | 53 (0.900) | 5 (0.090) | 3/98 | NT | 10.4% | coding (258/501 nt) | cpxP | periplasmic protein combats stress |
? | Exported | 2325853 = | 35 (0.620) | coding (233/501 nt) | cpxP | periplasmic protein combats stress | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2341764 = | 60 (1.020) | 6 (0.120) | 3/88 | NT | 11.8% | coding (1186/1410 nt) | glnA | glutamine synthetase |
? | Exported | 2341812 = | 38 (0.750) | coding (1234/1410 nt) | glnA | glutamine synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2345484 = | 53 (0.900) | 13 (0.240) | 4/92 | NT | 17.7% | coding (1085/1374 nt) | hemN | coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, SAM and NAD(P)H dependent, oxygen‑independent |
? | Exported | 2345509 = | 73 (1.370) | coding (1060/1374 nt) | hemN | coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, SAM and NAD(P)H dependent, oxygen‑independent | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2345573 | 78 (1.320) | 11 (0.210) | 4/92 | NT | 15.5% | coding (996/1374 nt) | hemN | coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, SAM and NAD(P)H dependent, oxygen‑independent |
? | Exported | = 2345583 | 50 (0.940) | coding (986/1374 nt) | hemN | coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, SAM and NAD(P)H dependent, oxygen‑independent | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2346582 | 53 (0.900) | 5 (0.090) | 3/96 | NT | 10.7% | intergenic (‑14/+175) | hemN/yihI | coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, SAM and NAD(P)H dependent, oxygen‑independent/conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 2346601 | 34 (0.610) | intergenic (‑33/+156) | hemN/yihI | coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, SAM and NAD(P)H dependent, oxygen‑independent/conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2352154 | 75 (1.270) | 6 (0.110) | 3/94 | NT | 8.2% | coding (144/933 nt) | yihG | predicted endonuclease |
? | Exported | = 2352173 | 65 (1.200) | coding (163/933 nt) | yihG | predicted endonuclease | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2356083 | 50 (0.850) | 4 (0.070) | 3/94 | NT | 8.7% | coding (116/987 nt) | yihE | predicted kinase |
? | Exported | = 2356108 | 38 (0.700) | coding (91/987 nt) | yihE | predicted kinase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2369694 = | 76 (1.290) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 6.9% | coding (2053/2190 nt) | fadB | fused 3‑hydroxybutyryl‑CoA epimerase/delta(3)‑cis‑delta(2)‑trans‑enoyl‑CoA isomerase/enoyl‑CoA hydratase and 3‑hydroxyacyl‑CoA dehydrogenase |
? | Exported | 2369713 = | 67 (1.260) | coding (2072/2190 nt) | fadB | fused 3‑hydroxybutyryl‑CoA epimerase/delta(3)‑cis‑delta(2)‑trans‑enoyl‑CoA isomerase/enoyl‑CoA hydratase and 3‑hydroxyacyl‑CoA dehydrogenase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2395757 = | 88 (1.490) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 5.6% | coding (338/381 nt) | yigG | predicted inner membrane protein |
? | Exported | 2395785 = | 56 (1.080) | coding (366/381 nt) | yigG | predicted inner membrane protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2406152 = | 45 (0.760) | 8 (0.160) | 4/88 | NT | 16.0% | coding (1309/2547 nt) | cyaA | adenylate cyclase |
? | Exported | 2406177 = | 45 (0.880) | coding (1284/2547 nt) | cyaA | adenylate cyclase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2407874 | 47 (0.800) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 6.9% | coding (28/942 nt) | hemC | hydroxymethylbilane synthase |
? | Exported | = 2407897 | 65 (1.220) | coding (51/942 nt) | hemC | hydroxymethylbilane synthase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2432292 = | 88 (1.490) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 6.4% | coding (91/102 nt) | rhoL | rho operon leader peptide |
? | Exported | 2432341 = | 64 (1.180) | coding (42/102 nt) | rhoL | rho operon leader peptide | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2434539 = | 78 (1.320) | 8 (0.150) | 4/92 | NT | 10.0% | coding (156/1485 nt) | gpp | guanosine pentaphosphatase/exopolyphosphatase |
? | Exported | 2434558 = | 73 (1.370) | coding (175/1485 nt) | gpp | guanosine pentaphosphatase/exopolyphosphatase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2437945 = | 54 (0.920) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 10.1% | intergenic (‑9/‑208) | rep/yifN | DNA helicase and single‑stranded DNA‑dependent ATPase/ECK3769:JW3750:b3777; conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 2437979 = | 39 (0.720) | intergenic (‑43/‑174) | rep/yifN | DNA helicase and single‑stranded DNA‑dependent ATPase/ECK3769:JW3750:b3777; conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2446401 = | 64 (1.080) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 7.1% | coding (12/264 nt) | ilvM | acetolactate synthase II, small subunit |
? | Exported | 2446430 = | 49 (0.940) | pseudogene (1626/1647 nt) | ilvG | Mutation in protein compared to W3110: p.Glu327_Ilefs*223 Restoration of IlvG found in MG1655 (548 amino acids), fusion of N‑ter and C‑ter fragments ECK3760:JW3740+JW3741:b4488; large subunit of acetolactate synthase II | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2449166 = | 36 (0.610) | 7 (0.120) | 4/100 | NT | 13.8% | coding (551/1551 nt) | yifB | predicted bifunctional protein, enzyme and transcriptional regulator |
? | Exported | 2449203 = | 52 (0.900) | coding (588/1551 nt) | yifB | predicted bifunctional protein, enzyme and transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2463558 = | 45 (0.760) | 5 (0.090) | 4/92 | NT | 10.8% | intergenic (+221/‑396) | gidB/atpI | methyltransferase, glucose‑inhibited cell‑division protein/ATP synthase, membrane‑bound accesory subunit |
? | Exported | 2463597 = | 42 (0.790) | intergenic (+260/‑357) | gidB/atpI | methyltransferase, glucose‑inhibited cell‑division protein/ATP synthase, membrane‑bound accesory subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2467762 = | 68 (1.150) | 13 (0.260) | 3/88 | NT | 20.2% | coding (1226/1542 nt) | atpA | F1 sector of membrane‑bound ATP synthase, alpha subunit |
? | Exported | 2467786 = | 44 (0.860) | coding (1250/1542 nt) | atpA | F1 sector of membrane‑bound ATP synthase, alpha subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2478469 = | 63 (1.070) | 3 (0.060) | 3/86 | NT | 6.1% | coding (442/774 nt) | pstB | phosphate transporter subunit |
? | Exported | 2478497 = | 40 (0.800) | coding (470/774 nt) | pstB | phosphate transporter subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2478618 | 76 (1.290) | 4 (0.080) | 3/88 | NT | 5.6% | coding (591/774 nt) | pstB | phosphate transporter subunit |
? | Exported | = 2478641 | 70 (1.380) | coding (614/774 nt) | pstB | phosphate transporter subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2518040 = | 56 (0.950) | 6 (0.110) | 3/94 | NT | 10.6% | coding (1035/2109 nt) | spoT | bifunctional (p)ppGpp synthetase II and guanosine‑3',5'‑bis pyrophosphate 3'‑pyrophosphohydrolase |
? | Exported | 2518070 = | 50 (0.920) | coding (1005/2109 nt) | spoT | bifunctional (p)ppGpp synthetase II and guanosine‑3',5'‑bis pyrophosphate 3'‑pyrophosphohydrolase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2527264 = | 49 (0.830) | 6 (0.110) | 3/94 | NT | 10.3% | coding (280/456 nt) | dut | deoxyuridinetriphosphatase |
? | Exported | 2527296 = | 59 (1.090) | coding (248/456 nt) | dut | deoxyuridinetriphosphatase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2542293 = | 41 (0.700) | 8 (0.160) | 6/86 | NT | 18.9% | coding (131/1074 nt) | rfaK | lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis |
? | Exported | 2542315 = | 34 (0.680) | coding (153/1074 nt) | rfaK | lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2547204 | 64 (1.080) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 5.5% | coding (285/933 nt) | rfaD | ADP‑L‑glycero‑D‑mannoheptose‑6‑epimerase, NAD(P)‑binding |
? | Exported | = 2547224 | 79 (1.480) | coding (265/933 nt) | rfaD | ADP‑L‑glycero‑D‑mannoheptose‑6‑epimerase, NAD(P)‑binding | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2577253 = | 110 (1.860) | 6 (0.110) | 3/94 | NT | 5.8% | coding (846/1650 nt) | treF | cytoplasmic trehalase |
? | Exported | 2577286 = | 95 (1.750) | coding (813/1650 nt) | treF | cytoplasmic trehalase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2581647 | 66 (1.120) | 5 (0.100) | 4/90 | NT | 7.6% | intergenic (+137/‑233) | gadA/gadX | glutamate decarboxylase A, PLP‑dependent/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
? | Exported | = 2581660 | 64 (1.230) | intergenic (+150/‑220) | gadA/gadX | glutamate decarboxylase A, PLP‑dependent/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2581882 = | 88 (1.490) | 7 (0.130) | 4/92 | NT | 9.2% | coding (3/825 nt) | gadX | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
? | Exported | 2581912 = | 59 (1.110) | coding (33/825 nt) | gadX | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2593308 | 53 (0.900) | 6 (0.120) | 3/90 | NT | 11.6% | coding (422/567 nt) | slp | outer membrane lipoprotein |
? | Exported | = 2593325 | 45 (0.860) | coding (405/567 nt) | slp | outer membrane lipoprotein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2594154 | 79 (1.340) | 7 (0.130) | 4/92 | NT | 9.8% | intergenic (‑425/+716) | slp/arsC | outer membrane lipoprotein/arsenate reductase |
? | Exported | = 2594172 | 58 (1.090) | intergenic (‑443/+698) | slp/arsC | outer membrane lipoprotein/arsenate reductase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2602170 = | 56 (0.950) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 6.0% | coding (1821/2043 nt) | prlC | oligopeptidase A |
? | Exported | 2602216 = | 77 (1.480) | coding (1867/2043 nt) | prlC | oligopeptidase A | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2618363 = | 57 (0.970) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 7.2% | coding (171/246 nt) | yhhP | conserved hypothetical protein required for cell growth |
? | Exported | 2618392 = | 51 (0.960) | coding (200/246 nt) | yhhP | conserved hypothetical protein required for cell growth | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2659436 | 63 (1.070) | 6 (0.120) | 3/84 | NT | 9.8% | coding (165/327 nt) | glpE | thiosulfate:cyanide sulfurtransferase |
? | Exported | = 2659464 | 59 (1.210) | coding (193/327 nt) | glpE | thiosulfate:cyanide sulfurtransferase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2659853 = | 51 (0.860) | 9 (0.180) | 3/86 | NT | 18.6% | coding (211/831 nt) | glpG | predicted intramembrane serine protease |
? | Exported | 2659878 = | 36 (0.720) | coding (236/831 nt) | glpG | predicted intramembrane serine protease | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2661445 | 52 (0.880) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 9.6% | coding (1384/1599 nt) | rtcR | sigma 54‑dependent transcriptional regulator of rtcBA expression |
? | Exported | = 2661470 | 46 (0.850) | coding (1359/1599 nt) | rtcR | sigma 54‑dependent transcriptional regulator of rtcBA expression | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2676216 = | 72 (1.220) | 4 (0.070) | 3/100 | NT | 5.0% | intergenic (‑2/‑36) | gntX/bioH | gluconate periplasmic binding protein with phosphoribosyltransferase domain, GNT I system/carboxylesterase of pimeloyl‑CoA synthesis |
? | Exported | 2676259 = | 81 (1.400) | coding (8/771 nt) | bioH | carboxylesterase of pimeloyl‑CoA synthesis | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2684302 = | 58 (0.980) | 7 (0.130) | 3/90 | NT | 13.2% | intergenic (‑18/‑210) | greB/ompR | transcription elongation factor/DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with EnvZ |
? | Exported | 2684350 = | 41 (0.790) | intergenic (‑66/‑162) | greB/ompR | transcription elongation factor/DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with EnvZ | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2704186 = | 53 (0.900) | 4 (0.080) | 3/90 | NT | 6.9% | coding (397/1287 nt) | damX | hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 2704220 = | 62 (1.190) | coding (431/1287 nt) | damX | hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2705680 | 54 (0.920) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 9.1% | coding (498/837 nt) | dam | DNA adenine methylase |
? | Exported | = 2705688 | 50 (0.920) | coding (506/837 nt) | dam | DNA adenine methylase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2716414 = | 66 (1.120) | 5 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 6.7% | coding (341/573 nt) | ppiA | peptidyl‑prolyl cis‑trans isomerase A |
? | Exported | 2716451 = | 78 (1.430) | coding (378/573 nt) | ppiA | peptidyl‑prolyl cis‑trans isomerase A | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2751796 | 56 (0.950) | 6 (0.120) | 3/90 | NT | 11.7% | coding (801/990 nt) | rpoA | RNA polymerase, alpha subunit |
? | Exported | = 2751807 | 41 (0.790) | coding (812/990 nt) | rpoA | RNA polymerase, alpha subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2753118 | 51 (0.860) | 8 (0.150) | 4/90 | NT | 12.9% | coding (224/426 nt) | zntR | DNA‑binding transcriptional activator |
? | Exported | = 2753130 | 63 (1.210) | coding (236/426 nt) | zntR | DNA‑binding transcriptional activator | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2775937 | 36 (0.610) | 7 (0.130) | 3/92 | NT | 16.0% | coding (1749/2187 nt) | arpA | regulator of acetyl CoA synthetase |
? | Exported | = 2775963 | 41 (0.770) | coding (1723/2187 nt) | arpA | regulator of acetyl CoA synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2782586 | 55 (0.930) | 6 (0.110) | 3/92 | NT | 9.7% | coding (3561/3684 nt) | metH | homocysteine‑N5‑methyltetrahydrofolate transmethylase, B12‑dependent |
? | Exported | = 2782595 | 62 (1.170) | coding (3570/3684 nt) | metH | homocysteine‑N5‑methyltetrahydrofolate transmethylase, B12‑dependent | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2794500 = | 63 (1.070) | 5 (0.090) | 3/92 | NT | 8.9% | coding (841/2424 nt) | plsB | glycerol‑3‑phosphate O‑acyltransferase |
? | Exported | 2794521 = | 45 (0.850) | coding (820/2424 nt) | plsB | glycerol‑3‑phosphate O‑acyltransferase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2809357 | 70 (1.190) | 8 (0.150) | 3/90 | NT | 9.9% | coding (246/417 nt) | yjbQ | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 2809376 | 84 (1.610) | coding (265/417 nt) | yjbQ | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2814840 = | 43 (0.730) | 4 (0.080) | 3/92 | NT | 10.3% | coding (496/1587 nt) | yjcC | predicted signal transduction protein |
? | Exported | 2814859 = | 31 (0.580) | coding (515/1587 nt) | yjcC | predicted signal transduction protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2834189 | 85 (1.440) | 12 (0.220) | 4/96 | NT | 12.1% | coding (1503/1647 nt) | groL | Cpn60 chaperonin GroEL, large subunit of GroESL |
? | Exported | = 2834202 | 94 (1.690) | coding (1516/1647 nt) | groL | Cpn60 chaperonin GroEL, large subunit of GroESL | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2844980 | 62 (1.050) | 4 (0.070) | 3/96 | NT | 6.3% | coding (676/978 nt) | poxA | predicted lysyl‑tRNA synthetase |
? | Exported | = 2845032 | 61 (1.100) | coding (728/978 nt) | poxA | predicted lysyl‑tRNA synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2889932 = | 99 (1.680) | 7 (0.130) | 3/96 | NT | 8.3% | coding (287/639 nt) | msrA | methionine sulfoxide reductase A |
? | Exported | 2889960 = | 62 (1.120) | coding (259/639 nt) | msrA | methionine sulfoxide reductase A | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2891261 | 62 (1.050) | 11 (0.220) | 3/88 | NT | 15.4% | intergenic (‑225/‑85) | ppa/ytfQ | inorganic pyrophosphatase/predicted sugar transporter subunit |
? | Exported | = 2891268 | 67 (1.320) | intergenic (‑232/‑78) | ppa/ytfQ | inorganic pyrophosphatase/predicted sugar transporter subunit | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2923517 = | 74 (1.250) | 5 (0.090) | 4/96 | NT | 5.5% | coding (1705/2856 nt) | valS | valyl‑tRNA synthetase |
? | Exported | 2923556 = | 102 (1.840) | coding (1666/2856 nt) | valS | valyl‑tRNA synthetase | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2927666 | 63 (1.070) | 4 (0.070) | 3/102 | NT | 6.2% | coding (65/1101 nt) | yjgP | conserved inner membrane protein |
? | Exported | = 2927692 | 58 (0.980) | coding (91/1101 nt) | yjgP | conserved inner membrane protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2942859 | 69 (1.170) | 7 (0.130) | 3/94 | NT | 7.9% | coding (1870/2325 nt) | fecA | ferric citrate outer membrane transporter |
? | Exported | = 2942886 | 100 (1.840) | coding (1843/2325 nt) | fecA | ferric citrate outer membrane transporter | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2957932 | 52 (0.880) | 4 (0.080) | 4/90 | NT | 7.0% | coding (247/606 nt) | osmY | periplasmic protein |
? | Exported | = 2957954 | 60 (1.150) | coding (269/606 nt) | osmY | periplasmic protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2962902 = | 72 (1.220) | 9 (0.170) | 3/92 | NT | 11.5% | coding (454/1551 nt) | yjjI | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | 2962924 = | 74 (1.390) | coding (432/1551 nt) | yjjI | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | = 2970475 | 50 (0.850) | 5 (0.080) | 3/102 | NT | 10.2% | coding (605/645 nt) | ytjB | conserved hypothetical protein |
? | Exported | = 2970512 | 38 (0.640) | coding (568/645 nt) | ytjB | conserved hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2977650 = | 54 (0.920) | 6 (0.110) | 3/94 | NT | 9.7% | coding (628/1938 nt) | slt | lytic murein transglycosylase, soluble |
? | Exported | 2977677 = | 62 (1.140) | coding (655/1938 nt) | slt | lytic murein transglycosylase, soluble | |||||
* | ? | Exported | 2987034 = | 43 (0.730) | 5 (0.100) | 4/90 | NT | 11.5% | intergenic (+202/‑198) | yjjY/yjtD | hypothetical protein/predicted rRNA methyltransferase |
? | Exported | 2987057 = | 39 (0.750) | intergenic (+225/‑175) | yjjY/yjtD | hypothetical protein/predicted rRNA methyltransferase |